Saturday, March 08, 2014

1964 Jean's letter to Horton/Uibles -Feb

Jean writes to the Hortons and Senior Uibles in Florida on the back and inside of the birth announcement. Thought the writing on the flower card looked like mine – still have that slant and I remember walking around Swindlers trying to decide what to buy.  This was most likely written on Feb. 29, 1964.
[on or soon after Feb 29, 1964]

Hope you like her name – will probably call her Mary V.

Thanks so much for the beautiful white mums – they'll be pretty later too.  Catherine was so proud to pick them out.

The girls had all hoped the baby would wait til the 29th & then only have a birthday every four years.  I'm sure she'd appreciate it at my age but would think she was really cheated as a child.

We're all fine – eating hail  hearty – the ham that I've dreamed about so long was really salty to my taste.  I'm sure they think I've got  dog in my room as clean as I leave my plate but the food tastes so good.

The family seems to be getting along fine at home.  Mrs. Smith comes on school mornings til I come home & then Mrs. Chesnut (probably Wednesday).

Love to all, Jean

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