Sunday, January 03, 2021

1981 Roberta's Letter -Jan.3


[January 3, 1981]

Saturday Afternoon

Dear Family,

This has sure been a busy day for me . . . have been out shopping and went to the Post Office to get some packages in the mail . . . only seem to be a few weeks late!!!

Think I've spent all my Christmas money now . . . in fact maybe went a few dollars over . . . Spent a large part of it at Radio Shack.  Bought a real neat stereo -- small -- but with two speakers.  Has both AF/FM radio and Cassette Tape player.  Also bought two external microphones -- should really be able to tape some great sounding stuff now.  I will be able to use it alot out at work.  You will never believe what else I got . . . a cordless telephone.  They have one that they use as their business phone.  You all will have to wait till you get out here to see it . . . Figure it should be able to stretch throughout the house.

Also got an expense calendar -- and hope to keep track of the money coming in and out better.  Think I told you this last week I also bought some tapes out of Christmas money.

Your letter came in this afternoon's mail.  Just a shame you all aren't here to enjoy our record-breaking hot weather.  Think it got up to 83º yesterday -- just hard to believe that its winter back in Ohio!!!  And hope that we don't have the annual floods this year!!!

Buffy is just feeling fine again -- up to his usual stuff -- tearing up kleenex -- etc.  Of course Buffy was sure happy to see Marion come in on Thursday.  Marion took a bus from nearby her town to Des Moines -- got there around midnight New Year's Eve.  Wasn't suppose to fly out till about noon that day (New Year's) but was able to get an early morning flight out.  Was here six hours before she was suppose to be -- for her thats quite a switch.  I had a few women from work in for a small New Year's Eve party -- they stayed up much later than I did.  After ten o'clock I said that it has already changed to 1981 in Ohio so I could go to bed.  Marion called up about 11:45 to Wish Happy New Year's -- woke me up from a sound sleep . . . then again at 6:00 A.M. to say that she could get this earlier flight.

I did try to call you all up New Year's Eve -- said you must have ben out square dancing.

Now Thursday Morning -- where did the week go??  I got the package/book from Serena. Looks really good.  I've really been enjoying the stereo that I bought with your Christmas Money.  But I have made some changes.  Took the external speakers back and exchanged them for a set of ear-phones.  Think that I will get alot of good out of them.  The recorder did a good job of picking up what I wanted to record without the use of the external mikes . . . just using the ones built-in to the machine.

Work has gotten very hectic again.  Seemed to be almost quiet during the holidays . . . as far as not having the big crowds.  Now people are back in town, or their company has left, and we are again turning away many, many people.  

I need to run . . . Or at least start walking fast to get everything done that needs to be done in the half hour thats left before I go to work.

Thanks again . . . for the Christmas Money . . .

Much Love,


Read Article Re: Library wrapped around book

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