Tuesday, January 12, 2021

1971 Roberta's Letter -Jan.15


January 15, 1971

Dear Family,

Thanks alot for the letter today, along with the clipping and check!  Wow!  I'm glad you liked my grades.  I just hope I don't flunk out this term!

I'm glad you all had fun in Chicago.  I heard about the trip - well - actually the time in Chicago in a letter I got yesterday.  Guess who I heard from?  Catherine!  She told me she heard that I answer all my mail and she hadn't been getting much mail lately so she thought she would write.

Has it been snowing in Ohio this week?  It started snowing here late Sunday night & kept it up off & on till yesterday.  We had - now get this - 18 inches all together - on the ground, very unusual for Oregon!  But -- yesterday it started raining & today it rained alot more so it is really a mess out!  Got up to 40º today!

All the Public Schools were closed Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday around here.  Alot of teachers here couldn't make it in so we did get out of a few classes.

Last night I walked downtown to my class and, it had been canceled.  Oh!  I don't know how or if we will have to make it up.

This week there was a Careers Conference here at school.  Nothing too exciting.  The school just had a bunch of people in to talk on various topics & all.  Alot of it didn't go off at all because the people who were to talk, etc. couldn't make it because of the snow.

I did change today from Bible to Social Problems.  I like the class alot so far -- even tho Monday morning I'm to have a make up test over the 1st three chapters!

Instead of term papers we were put on different groups of our choice.  My group is Urban Problems & Poverty.  Our group has to plan a field trip for ourselves and then we have to make a 2 hour presentation as a group.  We do this instead of doing a term paper!  That's ok with me!  We have to go to agencies, etc. where our social problem can be studied.

I haven't had a chance to look for a Bible yet.  The money is safe (?) in the bank.

Your letter that I got today only took 3 days to get here -- that's a speed record since I got back.

By the way, I have written University of Cincinnati for an application & other material.  That is the only school I have written to so far.  If I get around to it I may write Nancy Walker & see what she would have to say.

John, which do you like best -- Chinese or Japanese food?  Serena -- have you had your raw fish lately?  Mary Virginia how are you eating with your chop sticks?

I sure hope Sears new 104 story building doesn't make their dividend check any smaller!!!

I haven't gotten my typewriter.  You spoke of getting the bill for it -- do you know if I should have to pay any freight?

Today I put up a sign on my door that reads "A man must learn how to fail intelligently, for failing is one of the greatest arts in the world." (by Charles Kettering)  How do you all like that?

Well, I better be closing.  I'm glad you found the immersion coil.  Did you find my U.S. postcards?  I might have misplaced them here.  They were with the Christmas card I got from Grandma.  I hope the postage prices don't go up for awhile -- a long while!

Be Careful -- Hope you all are fine.


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