Wednesday, January 20, 2021

1979 GHU Letter -Jan.23

The assumed year of this letter is based on the clue about the [Flying E] ranch pictures

Jan. 23 [1979]

Dear Roberta --

The last 2 weeks during off time Aunt Mary & I have had a job.  Several weeks ago Aunt Sarah was moved into the nursing department against her will for she didn't think she needed their help & of course the extra cost bothered her no end.  (She can afford, so says Uncle Bill) She is having toilet trouble & the odor was bad besides the cleaning up & the spoiling of furniture & floors.  She has really changed the last couple years.  Uncle B. & Aunt M. had to go down & sort out things etc. for her & the sacks of things brought here we have been going over.  Clothes mostly went to a Rummage sale at the church last week a box or two to Goodwill & more to go.  There is a big box of writing paper but so much of it is old looking & spotted.  This is some of it I am using.  Too bad her son is ill but that is the way things go at times.  

Just as I finished dinner at noon my lower teeth plate broke into [in two].  Now to get them fixed  Aunt M. phoned her dentist & he said I must come to the office for an impression which I don't think is necessary.  Dr. Hause would just cement them back together.  How about your teeth?  Keep after them so they last a long time.  

Rob has a bad cold but keeps going.  Several teachers have had the flu & many children out of school.

We finally got some of the ranch pictures developed & I selected a group that I thought you all would be most interested in & will try to get them to you next week.  They will be for you to keep as I will also mail Catherine & N.V. a set.

Marianne plans to come on a visit next month.  She phoned last Fri & said that Wesley has the chicken pox & now the question will Robert break out about Feb. 1st so there is a question as to the time they may get to leave.  

Had a letter from Carol this week & they had talked a little about coming to Fla. to drive me home.  But have given up the idea as John will not have many days for vacation so decided they would take a couple of short trips which will be better for them.  It will not bother me to return by plane if all is well.  

We are having nice winter not too warm & a little on the cool side with a lot of rain this after-noon.  Hope it is fair in the morning as I am to report at the dentist at 8:45.  Aunt M. & I both will have to get up a little earlier.  

Last Sat. afternoon The Hortons who are in town Frances, John, Len, Mildred, Laurna & a grand-daughter who is visiting for a couple of weeks took the Tourist Boat ride on the Lake for 2½ hrs.  It was a nice trip.  Some one stayed with Uncle Cris.  

Then Sun. we went to service as usual but after dinner Aunt Mary got the extra bed room ready for 2 young people & I made up a loaf of bread into ribbon chicken sandwiches, 32 I believe.  The choir sponsored a concert given by 30 students from Drew Univ. N.J. who are making a 2 week tour.  We had a boy form Korea & one from Ill.  Cookies, sandwiches & punch was served after the concert which was very enjoyable & well attended.  Even though a good foot ball game I was told, caused competition.

I am enjoying the clothes pins & use several every week in the bath room.  I want to change the ties to the apron for when I am sitting they seem to be too low  Will get to it as time goes along.  Thanks for thinking about the hair pins but they are hard to find it seems.  My hair is coming out again badly.  

Please don't ever try to separate dogs in a fight or you will get badly hurt.  Take a heavy stick along.  Throwing water on their head is good but water is not always at hand.  I learned several things when your Dad had Tippie.  Hope Buffy is alright now.  

Aunt Mary now has the Christmas candle centerpiece on the coffee table in the front room with the idea of putting it away soon before it gets too dusty.  Wonder if it can be brushed or use a damp cloth for cleaning.

Two weeks ago Aunt Mary & I went to a program at the Auditorium -- to hear a violinist.  Uncle B. didn't want to go so I used his ticket.  We enjoyed it.  Mr. Garnet goes with them as he has quit driving in a crowd at night.  He has cataracts & will have an operation this spring.  

It is my bed time.  Aunt M. & Uncle B. went to Bert Reynolds for dinner & theater affair tonight.  They have season tickets.

Love, Grandma

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