Sunday, January 17, 2021

1981 Family Letter -Jan.20


Tuesday --
January 20, 1981

Dearest Family --

Just talked to Serena this morning to wish her a happy birthday -- had tried to get her last night but didn't get through and was afraid we'd get her up this morning but she was up and about to leave for work (thought she didn't go in until noon on Tuesdays).  Not only is it her birthday but Inauguration Day for Ronald Reagan our 40th president but hopefully also the day the hostages are released from Iran.  Any one of these are worthy of celebration!!

Mie Young is making a very good adjustment and Mary Virginia as well.  Because there was no school yesterday (Martin Luther King Day) Mie Young and I had some errands to run in Dayton but she wanted to be back in time to see the girls basketball game (MV had to play in jazz band or rather pep band for it).  Mie Young is taking 2 home ec courses -- foods and family living, two history (with MV) and Feb. 1st begins driver's training.  Her command of English is very good and only hesitates when she reads out loud.

The Brumleys have a girl with them for two months from Chile and she is to start at East Clinton today but from the little information we have had she doesn't speak too much English -- as much as Tom speaks Spanish -- which we aren't sure but Deanna has had two years of Spanish if not three so will be able to help her.  This is through the Open Door exchange program.

News isn't good about Jeff Streber or his mother, Joellen -- the have really had more than their share of trouble this year.  They had planned to operate on Jo but gave it up and someone reported that Jeff will not have any use of his legs from waist down.

The Inauguration is now over and the parade about to begin -- as you can guess I haven't gotten much done but keep my eyes glued to TV.  I did make a sick call but felt I was interrupting their watching.  Mildred Terrell just stopped in to tell me we had more Guidepost subscriptions confused -- among them Agnes Williams and Joseph Horton so would appreciate your passing on the word in case they are wondering who Mrs. J. Warren Terrell is who has given them a subscription.  I had already had one inquiry from a friend in Cleveland.  She had gone through her church directory and other things trying to find out about the "Mrs. Terrell".

I enjoyed Linda Lavin in the Tuesday night program, Roberta, and wondered if you and the rest might get to see it -- something about A Matter of Life, a Matter of Death or something similar.  I had heard about the person she portrayed being on Sixty Minutes too -- a real compassionate person.

Victor Pratt was or is marching in the Naval Academy Marching Band unit but wonder if any of us will really recognize him if we do see the group.  His picture was in last night's paper concerning this.  Cooper Snyder told Dad that he is going to Washington for the Big Day.  Bet we can see the events better than the people there.  Do you remember 4 years ago, John, when you were in Washington and got off to see the big events.  Serena was there too but didn't hear her mention taking off for the great occasion.

We are talking about going to see John and Carol this weekend but as usual Mary Virginia has a conflict -- has to go to Delaware to sing (and possibly play) with the East Clinton group at something at Ohio Wesleyan so haven't decided how we will work it all out.

Time is getting shorter for the Morgans trip East and we are anxiously looking forward to seeing them.  Dad thinks we may plan to take them back to Chicago rather than up to Cleveland but it is still a matter of conjecture at this point.  That way they could see a little more of Serena too and she says if she knew ahead of time she could ask for that Friday off (we'd leave here Thursday the 19th).

We did get an invitation to Joe Dailey's wedding Feb. 14 in Gaithersburg, MD and hope we might combine that with the Toy Show in New York City.  Realize the girls can't take off too much school but they do have the 13th and 16th both.  And we can be back the 17th.  So more plans are up in the air.

[Love, etc]

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