Friday, January 29, 2021

1981 Family Letter -Feb.1



Sunday Evening

Dear Family:

We have had a busy weekend in Newark with Carol and John, who gave us a big feast yesterday evening.  For dinner today we ate in Granville at the Buxton Inn, which is their local type of Golden Lamb Hotel.  In fact, the Buxton Inn, the GLH and another place are the three places listed in the "Inn" tour book for Ohio.

The bank there is in the midst of their remodeling program, which they are doing in a big way.  John is happy of the fact that he only used two of his six sick days last year.  With his walking to and from the bank twice a day he gets in four miles of walking, which is keeping him slim.  He is really TOO THIN & wish he'd gain some.

Had an estate sale Saturday morning, a "basic" three room house on an alley behind Harold Baker that had been appraised for six thousand and it brought $6800.00  Luckily we did have a great day for the sale, for this morning it was 32º with mixed snow and rain.

Friday evening we went to a potluck supper over at the college, for the sponsors want to "butter up the commissioners" for more funds.  There were far more people there than we had dreamed, such as Betty Carter and Donnie Achor.  These type of get togethers makes one realize how many things we take for granted.

Thursday night we took the Harners to the Square Dance, where we had a caller from the Columbus area.  One number was a hoedown and wth us being the fourth couple we could watch the other three couples doing the "right things" which broke the ice for us.  There are still so many calls in the western stype [good combo of style/type] square dancing that we are at a loss as to what to do.  Some one said "if in doubt just turn right".   Next Saturday the Club is having an exhibition at the Dayton Mall, which we understand will also be on TV for some 30 seconds.  The TV reporter from Dayton stops in the office in Wilmington about every week . . . hoping for some action story.  Think that would be a pressure life with all the deadlines.

Our Mayor has been promoting a dinner for our local Senior Citizens for last Saturday at the Lion's Club Bldg.  I'm old fashioned in thinking there are too many free lunches in this country already.

Again we really enjoyed our visit with John and Carol and glad that they live fairly close.  We were amazed at their record-keeping -- something we have endeavored to keep track of for the last 35 years but their accuracy really puts us to shame.

[Love, etc.]

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