Wednesday, April 30, 2014

1984 Family Letter -Apr.28

Dad opines about life in 30 years – and we now know how that has turned out! Congratulations, Dad!  Also congratulations to MV for her outstanding musical activities then and the ensuing 30 years.  Does the cell phone replace the Lifeline?  Transcription follows.

Saturday, April 28, 1984

Dear Family:

We will get a letter started to all of you before breakfast for we need to get a lot of things done outdoors today.  It has not rained for two days now, which is a record for this month.  Thursday evening we planted onions, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, head lettuce and peas (which I had hoped to have planted much earlier, as we had the seed back in February.

Last night Mary Virginia's music class at the Christian School in Wilmington had their Spring Program, which we all enjoyed.  She had also had a key part in another musical program at the College the day before.

Right now last Easter [April 22 in 1984, the previous Sunday] seems a long time ago . . . it was a full day with sunrise service, breakfast at Church, then S.S., Church, a turkey dinner at home and a trip to PortWilliam in the evening a program that M.V. participated.  She gives music lessons there every Wednesday.

From our dining room window we can see them assembling the new standpipe for the Village.  They are running a new water line out 28 to the west so we have a lot of rough spots on the streets.  In Wilmington they have been talking for the last 17 years about widening the main road on the east side of town, which suppose to get underway this summer at a cost of 2½ million.

Grandma now has a "Lifeline" necklcace [sic] which she should wear all the time, for if she needs help she can push a button which rings directly at the hospital and tye [sic] in turn call us or an alternate to check things out.  She also pushes a button in the morning and evening to let them [know] if everything is OK.  Yes, there is another button to push if one is to be gone for a time.  We hope we are as alert in thirty more years and also able to make it to Sunrise Service at 6:30.

Dad has about covered everything.  I'd think MV be ready to drop after so many activities.  They were all outstanding.  At the college she conducted the college choir in a number from the Messiah - it was given a little late as her professor suddenly lost the sight in one eye.  Mie Young also had a solo with the group.  Both the choir she sang with and the children's group had real "alive" cantatas – therefore quite inspirational to listen to as well as give.  Both groups appeared to really enjoy all the work that was involved.

Our fruit trees are either in blossom or about to be so the yard looks real pretty and the grass seems unusually green and yellow with dandelions.

The pastor-parish committee has unamimously [sic] requested that we get a new minister.  It may be for the best but I do feel badly for the Thompsons.  She is especially talented but unable to do much because of her invalid mother.  Roberta's birthday will soon be here and doubt if she would partake in any cake as she [is] in Weight Watchers and making real progress, tho we were not aware that she needed any help in that area.

[All our love – Mom & Dad]

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