Monday, April 21, 2014

Lucerne, Switzerland April 21, 1954

Lucerne Switzerland – side trip from Zurich, April 1954
Luzerne Lion* postcard to Catherine & Roberta - April 21, 1954
Luzerne card sent to Catherine & Roberta - April 21, 1954

Do you know what animal this is?  This was in a park on glaciers in Luzern.  We saw a calf on the baggage car today and wonder how the Johnson's [calf] is.  Also saw some rhubarb up.  Their gardens are about the size of Granddad's onion patch behind the barn.  We are going tomorrow to Frankfurt, Germany, also thru Karlsruhe, which use to be Uibles' home town.  do you and Elizabeth & Oscar know what that card said in German that we sent you yesterday? [Herzliche Wunsche; Heartfelt Wishes] We will see Uncle Calvin next week.  We had ham for supper, also spinach.  – Mommie & Daddy

*From Wikipedia: "Bertel Thorvaldsen's famous carving of a dying lion (the Lion Monument, or Löwendenkmal) is found in a small park just off Lowenplatz. The carving commemorates the hundreds of Swiss Guards who were massacred in 1792 during the French Revolution, when the mob stormed the Tuileries Palace in Paris."

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