Wednesday, April 22, 2020

1990 Cindy Uible's Letter to John -Apr.18

April 18, '90
Dear John,

How are you.  I am fine.  I been wanting to write to you since we talked on the phone.  It was real nice to talk to you.  I have been busy in the last few months.  I went to Washington D.C. and saw my brother and some sights.  It was fun to see him.

I have been busy with my birds.  I am raising and breeding Umbrella Cockatoos.  I hope to have eggs by the end of April.  I also have an African Grey who talks up a storm.

I have also been busy with my clowning.  Enclosed is me as "No-Body" the tramp clown and also is "Pierre" my African Grey.  I go also as "Punky" (or "Purdy"?) the clown but I don't have any up to date pictures.  My Grandfather has been in the hospital this week but so far he is doing ok.  We hope he will be [home] this Friday.  We thought that he might have had a stroke or heart attack but the doctors say so far he is ok.

"No-Body" has won awards in make-up & costumes in the Southeastern clown conventions and also World Clown Convention.  Well I guess I better go now.  Hope to hear from you soon.


Cindy Uible

P.S.  I wrote to a Uible in Germany about info on the Uible family about info going back 1704-1765 he wrote back but it was in German.  I am trying to find someone to read it to me at a local High School.  I will write or call when I find out.  I hope to find out by this Friday

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cindy, for those who may not remember, is the daughter of Robert Uible who was a dentist in Jacksonville and niece of Jack, a banker in the same city. The grandfather mentioned in the letter was Frank Clifford Uible, CJ's younger brother who moved to Florida around 1940 with their two young sons. If interested, Frank's obituary is found at:

Items from Uible photo album