Saturday, April 25, 2020

1970 Olney News (Roberta) -Apr.25

This is a great article about a good experience some of Roberta's friends had thanks to the hospitality of the Uibles (or "Ubiles" according to the article).  Thanks to the mention of Roberta, we can be positive he was thinking of HH & Jean.  Only the paragraphs about The Ubiles are being transcribed below


. . . Finally we decided to go visit an old friend of ours who lives nearby, Roberta Ubile.  We drove the 20 miles to her home and were greeted by her parents who were very friendly.  They offered us a place to spend the night but replied that Roberta was staying at an apartment near the place we had just come from.  So we drove back, burning up more of our precious gas.  We had a nice talk but we were anxious to get back and get to bed because we hadn't had anything to eat. 

When we returned, tired, hungry and disgruntled, Roberta's parents greeted us again with a table full of goodies and gave us towels to bathe with.  We had a very satisfied and comfortable sleep that night and woke up to the smell of toast and eggs.  It was a beautiful day, and our spirits rose as we started off toward the Smokies refreshed and with hot food nestled inside.

As we bombed along the road discussing our wonderful treatment from the Ubiles, I reached into the sack of apples they had provided us.  My hand fell on paper, and I brought out an envelope with the words "Good Luck Boys" scribbled on the front.  I ripped off the end and found inside two five-dollar bills.

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