Thursday, April 30, 2020

1980 Family Letter -Apr.29

Tuesday --      
April 29, 1980
Dearest Family -

After our brief spell of beautiful warm weather it is much cooler and doesn't feel too springlike but it is to improve this weekend.  As soon as I took the last letter out of the typewriter, mail from the family began to appear so guess the best way to get mail is to write more often.   The same day Grandma sent up the prints from Joe's 79 collection of lithographs and cards which were greatly appreciated and I'll be glad to share with the rest of you in order that we might all have some.  It was too bad that the Hortons weren't able to get to Saudi Arabia to be with Joe during his last exhibition but with the unrest all through that area no doubt it was for the best.

John's most recent letter reported that the tandem is now in workable condition and he and Carol have been riding it since Steve Weiss worked on it following their taking it back to Newark with them Easter Sunday.  I had had my doubts whether it was worth taking but glad that it is back in use again.  I've been trying to remember when it was that Catherine and Roberta worked to save their money to buy it.  I think the Schamauns took it in their trailer to Lakeside so that we all might be able to enjoy it up there.  Has it been about 15 years?  or more?  Thanks too for the articles on Newark.

I was sorry not to be home when Serena called again last Saturday morning but glad that Mary Virginia was here to relay some messages.  Sorry that you had to miss any work but trust that you are feeling much better by now.  We'd be glad to come to Chicago that Labor Day Weekend but think that you might enjoy getting away from the area.  We are hoping to get to see you the weekend of May 31-June 1 - perhaps leaving here late Friday afternoon and Dad wants to make some calls that Monday so would have a couple of days to see you.  (Haven't heard anything about Pam Fisher as yet.)

Roberta, we were sorry not to be more aware of Marion's birthday.   Wish that you had given us some little reminder before the date.  I kept thinking that it was Ruth's or someones but didn't dawn on me whose until your last letter.  Thanks for your Fast-Food Calorie Counter which was most interesting to compare the various sizes of hamburgers at the different chains.  Do hope that your aerobics classes are going well.  Was good talking to you Saturday and get some of our questions answered and your thought on various things.

Always enjoy Catherine's calls and appreciate her taking the time out of her busy schedule - especially so early in the morning for her.  We are so looking forward to seeing their new home, the changes in Wendy as well as Madras in warm weather.  Hope all works out for the new position open in the assessor's office including a substantial raise.  Bet both you and Gerry are most happy to have some time to call your own after giving up the managers' jobs.  Would love to have pictures of both your place and Roberta and Marion's too.

Sunday was a full day and we were sorry to have to eliminate some of the things that were also scheduled.  One was the open house for the new Sabina Library but as Dad says we can see it anytime.  The Sankers had been invited up for the day but decided to postpone their visit as we felt we should go to the memorial services for Mr. Arthur McCoy at Fairview.  There were no calling hours at Smith Reynolds Funeral Home as he was buried the day after he passed away.  (They also had the funeral of Maynard Davids who passed away the same day -- sorry that we didn't get over to pay our respects there)

That same evening we had been asked to help serve the Senior Citizens Banquet at the church - there were about 45 honored there and Mrs. Matthews was brought over by Mary Virginia.  She had had  a most interesting letter from her granddaughter Diane who now lives in England.  She had attended a Christian Woman's Club luncheon and happened to sit beside Pat Bain's mother.  In the course of the conversation Mrs. Bains mentioned that she had just gotten a letter from her son and daughter-in-law in New Vienna, Ohio . . . [these few lines on the bottom of page 1 of the letter are typed over each other so not sure of the exact wording] . . . (Diane is Dr. Matthews - Charles' oldest daughter.)  Ann Wolfrom and her mother are leaving Sunday for a month in England and hope to get in touch with the Baines.

I have really enjoyed the meetings of the Christian Woman's Club and wonder if they are in your areas too.  The April meeting was guest night and so I took Dad and Mary Virginia and think they were surprised how interesting, enthusiastic and well run they are.  The speakers are outstanding and no minutes are wasted as happens in so many meetings.  Our UMW meetings could take note as Catherine and I have commiserated about lately.

I talked to Aunt Virginia a week or so ago and she told me that Sarah is back in training to be an airline stewardess again and will be moving her children wherever she will be based.  Joe plans to be married next year.  I hope to get her (Aunt Virginia) over for a visit in late June - talked to Maureen and she says that she could bring her part way as she doesn't think she'd fly here.  She says that her mother is better physically but about the same otherwise.

I went over to the school Saturday morning to catch up with some work that is hard to do with classes coming in - rode my bicycle but when I came home found it missing.  Thought that Dad or Mary Virginia had borrowed it but they knew nothing about it so have reported it missing.  Guess we have really been lucky in not losing any more than we have in the many years we have been riding.  I almost had ridden MV's but glad I didn't now.

Dad took Grandma and Elizabeth Johnson to see the movie "Jesus" at the Murphy last night.  I had seen it earlier at a preview and both Dad and I thought I could use the time to better advantage studying for the Spanish test we are to have this Wednesday night.  At least it is scheduled again.

Saturday Mary Virginia and I went over to Sweetwater Farm near Hillsboro where they were having an open house.  They sell western clothes, Amish baked goods, cheese, etc.  Mary Virginia bought a western hat with a fancy band made out of feathers.  She wanted to wear it to church Sunday but I sure didn't encourage that and then she wouldn't wear it to school for fear it would be taken there.

Your Mother has covered about all the areas, tho while they were shopping Saturday afternoon I did put out some more garden, which was lucky timing as it turned wet on Sunday.  The things that I put out the week before are now coming up and we enjoy seeing the change each day as the plants grow.  Helped our neighbor across the street put out two trees, so hope they live as they will give us a better view also.  Carolyn [Frump] F. &    ?    [Paul] Spurlock have bought [the house?]

It is Wells insurance time again and plan to switch companies as we can get $133M more coverage for some 15% less premium.  With inflation one never has enough insurance, but then there is the other extreme where you can be insurance poor.  Inflation hits home so often, as just yesterday we ordered some 16M for roofing replacement . . . vicious cycle.  Anyway, I feel that Wells is better off buying things than just sitting watching the value of the dollar go down hill.  [Reminder that M is the roman number for thousand.]

Dad and I both got some shoes for square dancing -- Dad's are low cowboy boots and real pretty back, shiny.

Dad brought home your letter, Roberta and glad to hear so quickly -- Also card from Catherine came yesterday.  Don't be concerned about not having any kind of transportation while we're in Arizona.  Dad is looking forward to riding the new cycle.  If two can ride on one, there's no problem.

Running out of space and time

Much love to all of you.

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