Sunday, April 05, 2020

1980 Roberta's letter to GHU -Mar.15

[March 15?, 1980]
Tuesday Evening
Dear Grandma,

Thanks for your most recent letter.  It's really hard for me to believe that you are getting ready to go back home.  I'm glad that it worked out for John and Carol to drive you home.  I know that they will enjoy the trip.

I have just finished typing a five page science lab for Marion.  It's always hard for me to type science stuff out for her because the words are not familiar ones for me.  Plus her writing -- like mine -- is very hard to read.  Needless to say, I'm glad that its all done now.  (at least for now)

Found the enclosed article in a magazine I was reading -- about the different postal marks.  Thought you might enjoy looking at it -- since you see so many of those different marks on the jack letters.  I didn't know what all they meant until now.

Remember the job I had delivering flowers at Christmas time???  I'm going to be working next Saturday and Sunday delivering flowers at the same place -- or rather for the same place.  The owner also want me right before Mother's Day.  Guess he tried and tried to call me for helping with the deliveries for Valentine's Day -- but that was when we were moving -- so I'm just as glad he had no luck in getting hold of me.  Wish Rob were here to help me.

Does Rob have a "Spring Break"?  Marion is off all next week.  She is planning on coming out to the center and helping get some new arts and crafts programs off the ground.  I'm still driving the van -- which makes it very hard as to having everything under control at the center -- since I'm not there as much as I'd like to be.  Hopefully this week they will be hiring the new van driver.  In the meantime I'm continuing to get my exercise opening and closing the doors.

OH!!!  I've signed up for an aerobic exercise/dance class.  It exercise set to music.  It will start next week.  I want to learn it so I can use it out at work.  It's hard to get these people interested in any type of exercise.  Some of them have definite health problems which does not allow them to exercise -- but most are just very lazy.  One of the latest things we have come out with out there is a walking chart.  With everyones name on it and then a place for them to mark everyday how far they have walked.  The chart is good for a month and the ones that walk the most -- or even at all will be "honored" some way.  I haven't thought out the "prizes" yet.  The chart idea is getting alot moe people out walking.  We have two paths just outside our center.  One is a fourth of a mile long and the other one is an eighth of a mile.  Both are complete circles so it works out nicely for them.

That is really news about the airlines not taking people into Saudi Arabia.  I had not heard that on the news.  But -- as Marion says -- I talk during half of the news.  I'm sorry that the Hortons won't be able to go as planned.

Sounds like you all were really on the go while Marianne and the boys were down there.  And with John and Carol coming -- then Cris at Easter time -- 1025 is really busy!!!

Marion's sister and her family will be here for Easter.  They will be driving down from Idaho in one day -- next Wednesday.  Think that they plan to leave the Monday after Easter.  Rachel loves to shop -- and she will be in the stores shopping from the time they open till 9:00 at night.  I'm glad that I have to work -- delivering the flowers -- so that "excuses" me from an all day shopping trip on Saturday.

It's now Wednesday A.M. -- and I better close and get ready for work.  All the usual needs to be done -- Buffie walked, shower, etc.  Have a safe trip back to Ohio -- and I'll send my next letter North.  Please convey to the Hortons I'd be proud to write them -- in fact I will be writing them soon . . . .


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