Monday, April 06, 2020

1980 Family Letter -Mar.19

Wednesday, March 19, 1980

Dear Family:

Yesterday the men finished our new roof and the mess was kept to a minimum as they had a truck to throw the old roof into.  Wendell said it should last a good forty years and for the price we hope so.  They also put louvers into the roof which will help the ventilation problem in the attic.

Yesterday and today have really been pretty with looks of spring when it officially comes in tomorrow.  It isn't coming a bit too soon for me though all the sunshine really makes the windows show all the winter dirt and the many things needed to be done in the house as well as outside.

We met the new Fairview minister last Sunday night at the final of three sessions on the Bible lectures by T. Canby Jones.  The Chandys are young and very outgoing -- even their little 7-year-old daughter.  They plan to move here the end of this month or beginning of next.

Glad to hear that Grandma is making plans to come home on Wednesday April 2nd -- just two weeks from today.  That will work out fine with our plans.  The Womans Club is not until the following week so no problem at all there.  Mary Virginia will be in the hospital but I am sure her friends will come visit that afternoon and we can check on her before and afterwards.  Our Spanish classes are coming along fast -- tonight is our 4th lesson.  We have come a long way but just so much is possible in seven short weeks -- really eight as we have the week off during Easter break.  Next Wednesday evening Mary Virginia leaves for Washington D.C. so don't know whether we will make it to class or not as we want to see her off too.

Mother Uible, your card came before your letter as it took a detour to Dallas TX for some unknown reason so didn't arrive until Monday -- almost a week after you had written it.  Glad to hear from Catherine the same day and hear that all is going well with her work in the tax assessor's office and with Wendy at the Day Care Center and baby sitters on the other two days.  Glad Gerry did't have to make the long trip to Portland and that he has been released by all doctors now.  Keep up the exercises and away with pain!

We went to a square dance in Hillsboro Saturday evening with the Harners.  Mrs. Thornburg made me a skirt for it Saturday afternoon so I made use of the material I had bought - dark green the Clinton County Square's color & also for St. Patrick's Day.  We met more new dancers, among them Dr. and Mrs. Lukens, the veterinarian & his wife who are at the same stage of learning as us.  The Harners are really busy -- don't know how they find time to do so much.  Melba had just gotten back from Chicago, was to speak before the national OSHA convention in Cincinnati this week and then flying to Houston (with Orville) for another meeting ad then they will go on to San Francisco to visit Marvin Fawley and his family for a few days.  Her work with the high blood pressure testing and industry has been the reason for much of her fame.   Clinton County was the test area of the whole US.  She is the first Ohioan and first woman to speak before the OSHA group.

It was mental telepathy Saturday morning for I was just waiting til I thought it wouldn't be too early to call Serena when she called so was so nice getting to talk to her and we had quite a long chat.  Sorry that we couldn't accept the Haines invitation to ride over when Marcia went last weekend.  Our colds are MUCH MUCH better now and sorry that Mary Virginia gave anyone the idea that we were very sick.  We have been so lucky that we haven't had the flu that so may people have had to contend with for it has kept them down for a couple of weeks often.

We wrote Luna at Christmas time and told her not to count on going to Hawaii as we had other plans so she wrote back and said that she had other plans too (going to India) so don't think there are any hard feelings on her side.  That would be something if she buys property down there at Boca Raton or nearby.

We have really been wondering what happened that they cancelled all flight to Saudi Arabia including the Hortons.  We haven't heard anything in the news.

So good to talk to you -- sorry it's on your bill & not ours. 

With much love,
Dad & Mother

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