Monday, April 27, 2020

1980 Roberta's Letter -Apr.25?

Friday Morning
Dear Family,

It's Friday . . . and get to start off a little slower as having a meeting in town at 8:00 this AM.  We finally have a driver now.  He started on Monday and will be with us till about the end of May.

Starting in June we will be using all volunteer drivers -- hope the set-up works as well as it does for them in town.

Thanks for your last letter . . . and the Morgans address.  Plan to get the shorts off to Catherine this week-end.  Sure has turned summer here fast.  Today it is supposed to get up to 103º . . . thats pretty warm.  I told Marion it will have to be 100º five days straight before the Air Conditioning goes on.  So far by opening the house up at night we are getting by nicely.

Tomorrow is Marion's birthday . . . also Rich Stubbs.  Had talked about going camping but have decided to have a cookout at home instead.  Don't think I have mentioned about this big dinner Marion is having here on May 3rd . . . for one of the teachers she teaches with . . . retiring at the end of this year.  Some 20-23 people will be here.  Sure hope it doesn't rain.

I really like my aerobics class . . . last night was the third time we have met . . . and by now the class is about half the size . . . down from 30 to 15 people.  I come home a little tired.  I have ordered the record that we use for the class so hope to use parts of it out at the center.  The aerobics teacher keeps saying that jumping rope is one of the best exercises.

We do not have any grass yet out front.  Weeds tho are beginning to come.  In the back we really have thick grass.  The push lawnmower does not work so hot on it either.  Seems like it won't cut it short enough.  I'm getting a a little upset about all the work that was never done in the house . . . that should have been fixed or repaired by now.  I've called up the Registrar of Contractors and they will be out on Monday.  Can you take these people to anything like Small Claims Court or anything???  Now all the units in our section are filled except for the one right beside us . . . to the right.

Now Saturday AM -- getting ready to go to Health Fair -- put on at Fiesta Mall -- for $6 -- suppose to be able to get over $100 worth of tests -- blood tests, etc. -- foot exam -- cancer tests; etc. --

Got 92 MPG on last fill-up on bike!!!


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