Wednesday, April 08, 2020

1980 Roberta's Letter -Mar.24

Thursday AM --
Dear Family,

Hi!  I'm "sitting" in the county cafeteria -- waiting for the center van -- it's just over here for a scheduled maintenance check-up!  Had to have it over here by 7:00 AM & it shouldn't take more than an hour and a half -- so I'll be back to the center in good time.  (hopefully)

Next Monday they will be doing the interviewing for the drivers job.  25 people applied -- but they have already done initial screening.  Several older people applied -- over 65 years old -- including some of the people that came to the center.  I'll sure be glad when I won't be driving!!

Had a letter from Grandma -- sounds like she has had quite a time changing/cancelling her plane ticket.  Glad that John & Carol will be going down & bringing her back.  Just hope John stops once or twice on the way back to eat --

Harry, the owner of the flower shop where I delivered flowers this last Christmas called me up this week.  I'm going to deliver flowers the Saturday before Easter.  Also plan to help him few days before Mother's Day.  He said how he tried & tried to get a hold of me before Valentine's Day -- but no luck.  I'm just as glad -- since we moved the 12th of February!  This time if I'm sent out to East Mesa -- I'll know my way around lots better.

Marion won't be delivering -- since her sister & family will be here.  I'm glad to be able to work -- will "excuse" me from an all-day shopping trip -- plus with the house a few extra dollars isn't going to hurt!!

Speaking of money -- I lost my check-book last Friday.  Had just been to the bank -- to deposit check -- etc.  Then we went straight over to the theater to get into the 5:30 show -- $1.50 each -- instead of the usual $3.50.  I jumped out of the car & my bag was open -- so some things dropped -- thought I got everything -- but guess the check book got away.  Looked everywhere for it -- but no luck.

Monday went into the bank to get them to put a "hold" on the remaining checks (only 5) in my check-book.  The bank says they will no longer do that -- but instead have to close my Acct -- then open up a new one.

I didn't really want to do it that way -- esp. because they would not guarantee that checks I had written on the 1st Acct -- would automatically go & be paid out of my new checking Acct.  That the computer would reject checks written on the 1st Acct -- but that those checks would have to be "hand-found" off the computer list to be paid out of the 2nd Acct.  I had about 5 or 6 checks still out -- so I'm sure hoping they will be "hand-found" & paid.

I've got big news to tell you all about my bike.  I sold it to Dorothy Stubbs -- she had been thinking about buying one like it -- mostly to use back & forth to school -- where she works.

I had been playing around w/ the idea of having a bigger bike -- one that I could get around in a little quicker.  Marion seemed to think she should get a car -- so I could use the truck.  But I really didn't want to use -- or rather have the truck out to work -- because the few times I've had it out there -- it's a constant thing for the people to ask me to take them to the store, Dr.'s, post office, etc.  And I'm not wanting to start a personal taxi service!!

So -- to make a long story short -- bought a 125 cc VESPA SCOOTER.  It's Royal Blue -- really pretty.  Its top speed is about 58-60.  It's supposed to get about 90 miles to the gallon -- but the 1st tank got 70 mpg.  The tank holds 2½ gallons.

It has a small glove compartment -- plus back rest & combination book rack.  I miss having the use of the big baskets that the red bike had.

Talked to Dorothy last night -- she really likes her new bike -- guess it has made a "big hit" at school -- and she says she is saving lots of $ on gas -- instead of having to drive their pick-up w/camper on it.

Now Marion really likes the Vespa -- she would buy one right away for herself -- but they don't come in yellow -- so she is still thinking about it!!

For the price & the savings in gas -- sure beats a second car!  Plus the 2 bikes together take up alot less room in the garage than a 2nd car!!

Dad -- you will like the Vespa -- & Mom -- you can ride on the back!  The weather in June will be just right for a ride -- won't even have to wear a sweater!!

Meant to say earlier -- we saw the movie -- "Chapter Two" -- we had seen the play in NYC the last summer at the farm -- remember, Mary Virginia?

I'm anxious to hear more about Mary's trip to Washington D.C. -- the car got a vacation too!  Mary -- you really have a busy schedule -- w/ your hospital visit coming right up.  By the time I wee you -- you will be all healed -- just when are you coming to Mesa next?  What have you heard about All-state Choir?  I didn't know about it when I was in school -- or I would have tried out.  (Ho, Hum . . . .)

OK -- Van is getting washed now -- so won't be long now -- it's just past 9:00 AM -- can tell now it's going to be a long day!  Next Thursday I'm getting off earlier -- about 1:00 PM -- that will be nice --

OK -- gotta go --


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