Sunday, April 05, 2020

1980 Roberta's Letter -Mar.16?

Wednesday PM --
Dear Family,

I'm just not sure where the time goes . . . have been thinking that I wrote last Wednesday night -- but just remembered -- last week was Spring Break!!

Work has seemed to settle into a routine -- VERY HECTIC !!  Frances -- the driver who was always sick -- died last Monday -- blood clot.  She was 48 years told -- her husband had left her some 15 years ago -- she had 2 children both just younger than myself -- she hadn't seen them for years -- they flew in after she had died.

We had a short memorial service for Frances at work -- it took hours to plan & lasted some 15 minutes -- I'm sure getting lots of varied experiences !!

The back yard really does look good -- but -- oh -- the front yard.  They did put in some bushes, etc. -- but grass hasn't even been planted -- just mud -- really a shame that grass wasn't planted -- sure would have grown -- w/all the rain we've had lately.

IF I ever move into a new house again -- I'd be sure to have all the things fixed -- before I sign papers & move in!!!  Almost daily I go to the sales office to voice my complaints -- now I've also started calling the contractors phone.  The one big problem is the concrete poured in the back -- how it slants the wrong way & how the water collects at the patio doors.  Other things inside the house that need to be fixed are -- 1) bathroom door never got put in;  2) touch-up painting; 3) magnets needed in bathroom medicine closets, etc.

Don -- the salesman for the development was telling me that 5 units were sold for CASH -- each one of them is being used for a rental.  It's the rental units that seem to have the children.  The other unites are either a couple or single people.

With interest rates so high -- I can see how these couples don't have children.  I'm still in shock over the idea of only $3.00 goes toward the house the first month!  I figure that's the door knob!  But by paying extra -- maybe the door will also be paid for!!  One good think about buying -- get payment due by April 6th.  Another good thing is this season law electric -- as not using the heat or Air now.

Fun to hear about your Square Dancing Graduation -- I'm all excited about taking aerobic dancing/exercise through Tempe Parks & Rec -- only $9.00 for non-residents for 8 weeks -- as compared to some $40 to $50 for same period at a dance studio -- classes start in about 2 weeks -- plan to use the aerobic at work --

More soon ----
Love, Roberta

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