Wednesday, October 11, 2017

1967 Catherine's Letter -Oct.8

October 8, 1967
Dear Mother, Dad, Serena, John, and Mary V.,

Hi!  Got Mother's letter and the typewriter ribbon on Friday.  Thanks!  I think I can sell the typewriter ribbon that I bought -- the one you got was more expensive so I doubt if anyone would want to buy it.  They are both for Smith Corona portable electrics though.

Right now I am about to go to vespers.  It is now 6:00 P.M. and I thought I would leave about 6:12.  How's that for planning?

Did I tell you about the guy I met at the President's Tea last Sunday?  Well, he is very nice.  I went to the dance with him last night.  This morning we went to the Judson Baptist Church which is about 4 miles outside of K.  The church sends people in cars to pick us up.  It is a very nice church, quite small and they practically cater to the college kids.  (Extremely different form the 1st Methodist.)  After the Sunday School today (the church is first) they had a potluck dinner and the individual families took one or two of us at their tables.  In case you didn't guess by now, Evan is a Baptist.  His brother is going to some Baptist divinity school in California.

Alot of the kids either went home this weekend or their parents came here to see them.  Did you know that 50% of our class is from Michigan?

Last night was steak night.  You know, I am not overly wild about steak but I guess it was all right as far as steak goes.  They grilled it out behind the dining hall. 

More later – got to go!

7:44 P.M. Same day, same place!

Now would you like to hear about what almost became the major fiasco for the week?  Last Sunday, Charley and I agreed that we would go to the early church service today so we could be back to get a good place in the lunch line – but I didn't remember this until 1:15 A.M. this morning after I had told Evan I would go with him.  To make matters worse they were both supposed to come at 9:30 this morning.  (Ordinarily, my social life isn't quite so confused – thank goodness!)  After debating for a couple hours over which church to go to and with whom I almost decided to go to the Christian Science with Gerti (the girl across the hall) and leave Charley and Evan to fight it out.  However, I do have a little more courage than that.  At 9:20 A.M.  I called Charley.  All I said was, "Hi Charley, this is Cathy!" and he blurts out with, "Gee Cathy, I'm glad you called.  I knew you wouldn't want to go to church in the rain but I didn't want to call you up and tell you I didn't want to go.!!

I think I have an erratic mail box!  I go for about 3 days without any mail and then I get about 6 letters in one day.  For instance:  I got your package late Friday night (after getting no mail on Thursday or Friday) and then Saturday I got letters from Roberta, Carol Tapella, Patty, Alice, and one from my wild-envelope friend, Thom Ashby.

Math and Physics are pretty difficult but I find that generally after I stare at the book for a couple of hours I get some faint idea of what it is referring to.  I like my math prof, Dr. Bausch, the best.  Since class starts at 3:00 he generally keeps us a couple of hours late.  Not really, the latest we have gotten out is 4:15.  As long as he is explaining it I really don't mind though!

The art course is beyond description.  I didn't think it was possible for anyone to be so completely ignorant in art as I seem to be.  My grades may be terrible but I am bound to learn something with the hours I put in slaving over all the art books!  There are about 12 books on reserve in the library which we have to read.  I have my choice of either signing out for two hours during the day or overnight.  I generally take them for overnight so I can have them from 9-9.

We had our first "quiz" in physics on Friday.  It was extremely simple – too simple in fact.  I guess it was just to determine if we still remembered anything that we had previously "learned."  There is one girl in the class who hasn't had any physics at all – she has it bad!

Do you know I can get WCKY on the radio up here at night?  It seemed really weird to hear all about Cincinnati again!

Saturday I rode my bike down down – but not for pleasure!  I had to go to the art museum, draw a sketch of one of the pictures (Can you imagine?), and then thoroughly describe all the technical details of the picture.  I was really dreading it, but it turned out to be kind of fun – it does have a slight resemblance to the picture!

Write soon!

Love, Catherine

P.S. I had the seat tightened up on the bike.  I am keeping a detailed account of every penny I spend in case you are wondering whEre all the money is going.  Phys. Ed. is about the most expensive class!


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