Wednesday, June 30, 2021

1991 Family Letter (John's copy) -June 30


Sunday, June 30, 1991

Dearest Family,

The last day of June is here and the beginning of the end of summer.  It was nice having the Morgans here and getting to see John and Julie and Serena but the time went all too quickly.  In fact almost 22 hours have passed since I started this but do want to get a letter off to all of you.  We missed two telephone calls from John and would call him but right now it is too early.

There isn't much new in New Vienna -- the town is getting geared up for the Fourth of July Celebration and our church is having the Chicken Barbecue as usual.  No one wanted to chair it so Dad and I got the honors (?) this year but guess we all should take our turns.  Most everyone is willing to help which makes it easier.  We are planning on serving 250 people.  We have been doing this for 18 years.

Grandma is doing well, has a pretty good appetite and is very rational, even for someone half her age.  She definitely has her own opinions.

Looking out our front window, Jim (the neighbor across the street) is decorating his car.  He buys these old cars for a song (?), patches them up and paints them with shoe polish in odd patterns.

Our lawn mower is getting a rest, it is so dry AND hot.  We will be heading north to Alaska July 19 to Anchorage with the Donald Bernards so should get cooled off while there.

[The handwritten personal to John part follows.]
Glad Dad got your call this AM.  Sorry you have to pick Joe up at that late hour -- if all goes well.

We think of you often.  You both are in our prayers -- Hope you have something jelled for your honeymoon.  Let us know if we can help -- mail you the AAA tour book or card to get what you want yourself.

Much, much love --
Dad & Mother

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