Monday, June 21, 2021

1981 Roberta's Letter -June 23?

Tuesday Night
7:30 P.M.

Dear Family,

Just got done mowing the yard . . . somehow whenever I do that it seems like the yard is the biggest.  It does have a small brown spot here and there, but basically looks really nice and green.

Thanks for calling the other night.  The farm offer does sound a little tempting, tho I feel like it is best that I stick to my original plan -- leaving here on the 17th -- thus getting to New Vienna the evening of the 18th.  Money-wise it's the best deal for me to fly into Quincy -- then drive to New Vienna  -- and then back to Mesa.  Besides think of the fact that when I get older (40 years plus) I might not be in the best condition to drive cross country.

By getting the two weeks off -- that gives me easily one full week in New Vienna.  I do hope to visit some senior centers in the area -- perhaps maybe make a day of it all -- in Cincinnati or Dayton.  I'm really happy out at work to be getting the people we are getting -- considering the time of year.  Last year the center averaged 25-30 people a day during June -- and we are just over 60 on the average.  Next winer will be interesting with all the "snow-birds" back -- and the year-round people we have now.  Bingo days are still our big days -- tho everyday I try to have some kind of drawing card.  Blood pressure one day, sing-a-long one day, etc.

Tonight is my Country-swing class -- it's from 9 to 10 so makes for a late evening by the time I get home, walk the dog, etc. . . . but I'm glad to be taking it.  Hard to believe that this is the fourth class.  Its just 6 weeks long.  Yoga is 8 weeks -- and think I figured out I'll be missing the last two weeks of it.  Fall semester through Tempe Parks and Rec I'm going to take sign language.  The price is $10 -- as compared to the $99 it would cost at ASU -- figure I can learn the basics and that will help alot.  Think I told you all that we have a deaf mute that comes to the center.  He loves it -- plays bingo --always someone helps him.  Also he really enjoys doing the exercises with us -- I should tape the record we use for the exercises and bring it home with me.

Got my hair-cut yesterday -- pretty short.  Dorothy cut it -- I had played around with the idea of another perm, but then decided with this heat -- I'd just as soon have it short.

I better cut this page short . . . want to get down to the library and pick some stuff up I need for work.  Oh, there has been alot of progress done on the new library -- directly across from the present one.


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