Saturday, June 26, 2021

1981 Catherine's Letter -June 28

 Sun. 6-28-81
Dear Mother, Dad & Mary,

Hi!  Sorry I missed talking to you on the phone this past weekend although I did enjoy the conversation with Grandma. We have had an enjoyable weekend with perfect weather (in the 70's with little wind -- good view of the mountains).

Saturday morning Gerry and I played golf and Wendy went to Day Care for awhile -- she enjoyed it as they had the wading pool out.  Afterwards we took Wendy for a snack at the Dairy Queen.  Then Saturday night we went to a dance at the Elks with another couple who are thinking about joining.  The dance was a "50's & 60's" theme with taped music from that "era".  Several couples dressed up in 50's and 60's costumes.  They had a fairly good turnout considering the time of year.

Today we went rafting taking another couple in our raft along with Wendy.  They took their car to Trout Creek in order to drive us back to Warm Springs to get our truck.  It was their first time down the river and they seemed to enjoy it.  Wendy did real well -- wearing her life jacket without complaining and not getting too upset when she was splashed.  So now we know that when you come we will all be able to fit into the raft.  In another month we should be able to take DeeDee with us.  She will be driving to Canada to see her grandparents and we will pick her up when they pass through Oregon on their way home, which will be during the last week of July.

I interviewed two people for the Assistant Librarian position last week and talked to a third one on the phone.  My fourth candidate who had been at the top of the list is pregnant with her second child and decided she didn't want to be considered.  I have pretty much decided on Debby Stubbe who just finished her sophomore year at Seattle Pacific Univ (?) and wants to take "a year  or two" off to work.  She says that she is considering going into library science.  Her parents live here in Madras.  I only have 28 more working days at the dentist office so they ought to speed by quickly.  I hate to see the summer pass quickly though.  Can't have one without the other though!

Wendy has been practicing taking her shoes off and putting them on again.  She found out that this is something she has to do in order to go into the four year old class.  They advance the classes in March and September depending on which month the child's birthday is closest to.  Wendy will be changing at about the same time as her birthday.  Every time we go by the bakery section of the grocery store she studies the birthday cakes debating what kind she is going to have.  

What are your plans to celebrate on the 4th?  Is New Vienna having a big shindig this year?  We are still thinking of going camping perhaps in the Ochocos which are to the east of Prineville

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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