Tuesday, June 22, 2021

1981 Roberta's Letter -June 24


June 24, 1981

Dear Family,

It's ten o'clock and Buffy and I just got in from our evening walk . . . .  I swear this is the last summer I'm keeping that dog!!!!  But I think I've said that in previous summers. . . .

It's been another busy week.  Don't think that I ever told you folks that Vera (remember the 96 year old woman -- the one with the '56 Mercury) is staying here this summer.  Every summer in the past she has always ended up with a stay in the hospital -- because she didn't have air or swamp cooler or way to cool her house.  So that means a little more get-up-and-go on my part.  She came the same day that Marion left.  I think the neighbors are still trying to figure out who lives here.  They see so many people come and go!!!

Last weekend got rid of all the pine cone needles that I had raked up.  Really loaded them into garbage bags -- 22 total -- then the people from below -- their daughter had a pick-up truck so she hauled them off for me to the landfill.  Was sure glad to get rid of them.  Did I tell you all that I did get the white (dirty white) rug down from over the fireplace???  Borrowed a ladder from the people below.  It was a cast iron ladder -- sure was heavy!!!

I'm really getting excited about the Alaska trip -- I just hope the 7 days on the cruise doesn't go by too fast!!!  Will also be great to see the Morgan family -- especially my baby niece. . . . she will have made some changes I'm sure since we saw her last.   I've been most impressed with LaDonna -- the travel agent.  Also her boss seems like he is really on the ball!

I've been going swimming about three times a week -- which isn't bad when you consider I'm gone on the weekends.  Getting to know alot of people there -- also starting to get a good suntan.  I usually go about 4:30 to 5:30 -- by 5 there are very few people there.  Too bad we didn't go while you folks were here.

I had to have a yard man come and trim that huge palm tree.  I told him to do a good job because I didn't want to have him come by very often -- so he really gave it a burr -- left only 4 big palm sprays.  Really looks good.  He also trimmed back both of those big cactus.  I've been feeding the rabbits and birds -- so they have really been gathering around.

Did I tell you that I got the first electric bill -- it was for 18 days and was for $80.00.  I could have fallen over.  So now I've quit using the dryer -- and taking other conservative steps.  I'm going to wait and get this months bill before I really panic.  I'm hoping that they estimated the first bill -- and that is why it was so much.

Speaking of money -- I've really been helping the doctors pay for some bricks in their offices.  Went on Monday and had my eyes examined -- first time since right  aft I got to Arizona.  They had really changed -- so took the prescription to Mesa Optical and ordered two new pair of glasses.  They are having a special 2 for the price one deal for the month of June.  I ordered one pair of sunglasses and the other pair plain -- but with a slight tent [tint perhaps].  Then I went to the dentist -- that's a new paragraph by itself.

On the way to Payson last Friday I had just put in a piece of gum -- and zap it was like I had a rock in my mouth.  Had lost a huge filling -- was afraid it might pain me over the weekend -- but really didn't much notice it.  But by Tuesday night I was very much aware of it.  So called up a dentist that someone from the center recommended and got in the same day.  To save that tooth -- it would be about $600.00 . . . root canal, crown, etc.  Then I've got another very bad tooth - - - and it would cost $250 to save.  maybe you can guess I've decided to have the one pulled and invest in the other.  At these prices they should offer a good interest rate.  Am to have the one tooth pulled on Friday -- Dr. had to just put in a temporary because he said there was some infection around the tooth -- so too risky to pull it.  I would just as soon get it over with.

Connie (Sally's friend) did make it back -- the two of them.  They are now renting a house for $400 a month -- in such a crummy neighborhood -- about three miles from here -- 74th St. just south of Broadway.  Guess they want to also buy out in this neighborhood . . . but not in this area . . . a less expensive area.

I still need to get the June minutes done up for the July meeting -- had these home with me [minutes of a previous meeting on the reverse side of the paper.] -- to use as my guideline.  Things going very well at the center -- thought you all would enjoy the article in the paper.  My people were rather upset about it tho.  The idea was them to come out and do an article about our exercise program and Ann Pierson just seemed to take over.  Now they say they are going to call the press out - - to do an article about our center -- I just tell them that way about our center. 

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