Wednesday, December 25, 2019

1989 Roberta's Letter -Nov.5

Dear Folks,

Another month of paper work behind us.  Sr. Village just celebrated it's 8th anniv!

I went on a walk today w/ Walkabout around the Phoenician Hotel -- looked like a ghost town!  I sure didn't see my friend Charles Keating  I don't know where he is staying in Wash D.C. these days -- but don't believe w/the senators -- that are trying to look very innocent!

We had PIZZA tonight -- I just put these papers down on the table that must not have gotten wiped off!  This paper tho should not affect your cholesterol level!

We hiked around Squaw Peak yesterday -- about 80º -- great weather!  In the AM both Sid & I drove a car load from here to Goodwill AUX Christmas sale & then stopped at SMITH's -- new grocery in town -- at Camelback & 7th Ave -- some 90,000 square feet -- it's huge -- just groceries/drugs -- no clothes for sale but does have a dry cleaners, a big VIDEO area (now till 11/30 -- videos rental -- 2 for $1.  Also has a to-go Chinese Restaurant.  Smith's hope to open up 12 new stores -- they are non-union -- so some union is out picketing Albertson's -- another new grocery also opened up -- but so far they are just on the far east side -- the residents had been after me to go -- but the store was so crowded -- they just got to the front door & plopped down on the chairs.  They also have a full-service !st Interstate Bank & post office substation inside of them!

We did get to 1st Methodist today -- its' quite a large --- but friendly church -- they do make LARGE PRINT bulletins for those who need -- While you all are here you should visit 1st Methodist -- tho you can simply walk to TRINITY BIBLE CHURCH.

Sid is feeling much, much better -- for which I'm very thankful.!  Our 6 month -- tho this is the BIG one inspection has not happened yet!   Needless to say we are ready --

Tomorrow is flu shot day at Sr. Village -- are you all having one this year?  With Medicare (& a little paper work) -- they are free!

Sorry for the grease stains -- hope this finds you all healthy & happy.  Anxious to see you in December.


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