Sunday, December 08, 2019

1969 Catherine's Letter -Oct.17

October 17, 1969
Dear Mother, Dad, Serena, John, Mary,

Hi!  In nine hours we get on the bus for Berlin.  That leaves me a half hour to write this, 7 hours to sleep and 1½ hours to get up, eat, & catch the bus downtown.  Wow!  What a disciplined life I lead.

There is a chance we may go on a 5 day trip to Moscow next month.  Sounds neat, huh?  The school may not give us permission but if they do and if the American Embassy does, then I also need your permission for me to go to a Communist country.  Please send it to Dr. Stavig.

I haven't been doing much this week except reading the biography of Beethoven in German, studying grammar, and going to school.  I think maybe I am learning something but it doesn't make for extremely interesting subject matter in a letter.  I'm determined that before I leave here I will be able to pick up something and read it without wondering what every third word means.  It is very depressing.

We're going to stay at a place in Berlin run by some religious group.  (Similar to Youth Hostel where we do part of the work.)  We get a bed, 3 meals a day, and all the hot showers we want for about 12 marks a day.  It's going to be nice to have a week off from school too.

Dad, have a happy birthday wherever you happen to be on the 27.  John, here are some more stamps.

Please send the permission to Stavig as soon as possible.


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