Friday, December 06, 2019

1989 Family Letter -Oct.15

Sunday, October 15, 1989
Dear Family:

We have just returned home from the Church Pot Luck Dinner honoring the Sunday School teachers.  Nice turn out.  Mother looked nice in her new pink dress and hat and received several compliments.  Roberta was certainly a big big (want to emphasize big) help with Grandma while she was here, which included the shopping "trips." 

We were all proud of Mary Virginia last Sunday, it was a wonderful experience for all of us.  The video pictures of the program and the reception turned out great.

Having Indian summer weather here this weekend - up in the eighties and a full harvest moon.  Wendell Mahanes -- finally -- got here to replace our chimney top as the brick were flaking off.

Our TWA tickets for Phoenix are here for Grandma and us, we leave 12/13 and arrive in Phoenix at 5:56 P.M.  The return is on 1/11 at 12:54 P.M.  It would be nice if the Hortons could join us in Phoenix during part of the time, as I understand that seeing Joe would be an extra bonus for them and us.

it seems really quiet without Serena, Roberta and the Hortons - we are down to two again but are looking forward to having Bob and Pat Ballantyne next week around the 24-25th.  We enjoyed our trip to Yellow Springs and thought they might enjoy seeing that among other things.  It is full of little shops and had lunch with Lisa Gooding at an organic type restaurant but better check with them first about that.

Got a nice note from Wendy Saturday so I will be writing to her individually in a few days.  Roberta, we haven't found the tape you found missing but hope that it turns up either here or Phoenix.

The weather here is gorgeous!!  Way up toward 80ยบ - Put the hanging plants outdoors that I was afraid would get frosted over two weeks ago.  Our first broccoli is about ready to eat - the first we planted turned out to be cabbage so Dad was finally able to find more but didn't think it would be edible before frost.

Dad is at the piano practicing on his Christmas pieces - "I'll be Home for Christmas" and others which should put me in the mood early.  Any special requests should come in soon for we are limited on what we are able to carry to Arizona.  I've gotten a very few things but its not too late; otherwise we may shop after Christmas.

[End of group letter, remainder is written to John.]

It was nice of you to call Roberta before she left last Friday.  Sorry that your rush to get back to Newark was in vane.  We are still laughing about Gina's lunch that day.  We took her shopping Wednesday in Wilmington and she bought a coat and 3 dresses.  Had lunch with Ruth Shoemaker too.  Then when G'ma got home mentioned that now she needed a hat.  So Thursday we went to the Dayton Mall where she got one.  Think Roberta told you that we ate at the Brown Derby where she had a BIG lunch taking alot home with her.  Roberta ended up freezing enough from the four days to make seven meals for her.

 We'd be glad to have you here for 4th or 5th but at least hope to get up there at Colvin's to hear you.  Tell them we'll take them to lunch too -- six of us so they might make reservations - we enjoyed dinner with the Goodings at Hummel House Inn in Waynesville or wherever they'd like to go.

Glad to see & hear from you anytime!

Much love --
Dad & Mother

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