Saturday, December 21, 2019

1989 MV's Letter -Nov.1

Dear Mom & Dad --

Thanks for your notes on the walk!  It went very well, including the talk I gave Sunday morning.  Several people wanted to know why I'm not going into the Pastorate!!  The novelty would wear off quickly preparing something each week.

Have any decisions been made about the location of Thanksgiving dinner?  If I'm (Don & I) coming home, I'd like to make plans to get together with Lorraine while she's in Middletown if possible.  If not, there's some people I work with I'd like to invite (if we're staying in Lexington).  I will arrive back in Lexington Tuesday pm from the Georgia/Alabama trip.

How did the Wilmington walk go?  I'm singing this Friday night at the Lexington gathering.  I need to head out as I have sharing group at lunch.  Call or write anytime.  Please give Grandma my love,

Your favorite KY daughter

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