Thursday, December 19, 2019

1979 Roberta's Letter -Nov.1

[mailed 11/1/79]
Thursday Morning
7:00 A.M.
Dear Family,

Was good to talk to you -- Mother and "Baby" -- oh, I meant to say Mary Virginia.  It was when I was in the middle of cleaning out the storage area . . . so kind of like . . . saved by the bell.  Except I did go back and finish it . . . Buffy didn't finish it while I was on the phone.  The whole problem is that the area needs to be about five times bigger.  We need something like a double garage.

I seem to be doing good this week.  Have made it a whole week without any bee-sting.  I don't think I told you but the one last week was right near my wrist.  It really swelled up -- makes it easy that way to get past the reception girl and into the Doctor's office much, much quicker!!!  Also makes for interesting conversation for those who I came in contact with that are observing!!!  Perhaps I should say it makes for interesting looks as people spot it.  Needless to say I now carry the bee-sting kit with me at all times.  Funny thing about it last week was that I had just gotten them (bought two -- so I'd always have one with me) the night before . . . but hadn't put it in my backpack.  They are not all that big . . . perhaps the size of a double deck of cards.  I'm making myself stay away from trash cans with lots of bees.

And so far it hasn't hurt the can sales any.  Over this last weekend didn't collect any except for those I found while out with Buffy.  But on Monday and Tuesday afternoons Marion met me at school and we both went out for about 20 minutes each.  Tuesday afternoon we took them to BIRP (the recycler) and got $18.86!!!  Not bad!!!  Last Saturday I had a very interesting time at BIRP.  I was in line to sell the cans and a old, old woman -- who could hardly walk came in with a small bag of cans.  She got right in front of me (I would have been the next to have cans weighed) and simply said "I am going in front of you, I have very few."  So I simply said, "Of course go in front of me, thank you for asking so politely."  She had 12 beer cans, two pieces of alum. foil, and a pot pie container.  It couldn't even have added up to one pound -- 23 cents.  Then when I was done having my cans weighed she comes up to me and wants to know if I could carry some newspapers for her to be weighed.  She had asked the boys that work there and they wouldn't do it.  I said yes, and wondered just how many papers she had.  Turned out she had about ten Wall-Street Journals, and about three grocery bags (empty).  What a riot!!!  She was driving a pretty recent Buick!!!

Yesterday's test was really hard.  It consisted of about 12 essay questions.  I didn't even finish the test . . . ran out of time.  We will just have that test, and the final.  Also for part of this class grade we have to put on a special events day on November 17 -- a Saturday.  I'm on the budget committee.  Also will have to help that day with activities.

Marion's science dept at school have got a small computer this year.  Guess one of the men in her dept. thought it would be his own little toy, but over the summer one of the other men took a computer course, and now he is teaching Marion, and three of the other women (total women in the dept.) how to use it.  Not really programming it yet . .. but they are using it in labs.  The kids get to use it and it tells them if their calculations are right or wrong . . . this or that.  Guess the kids really like using it.

Marion and I.T. did not do so good in their selling last week.  Out of 14 wreaths and center-pieces that they had to sell . . . only one sold!!!  And that was for $20 - - not the $40 they had hoped to sell them for.  But, they did have some small things that sold pretty well.  Flower arrangements on big rat traps.  Some small macrames.  Also sold Robert -- remember the stuffed Santa Claus she came home with last year on the plane with -- from her sisters.  He sold for $20!!!  Had to pay $20 for a space -- had to charge tax -- and pay it -- and then the church got 10% commission.  Guess after everything they came out with some $90 profit.  Of course that is before you consider the price of materials etc. to make the stuff.

We had very trick-or-treaters last night.  One group of three from in this area that I knew -- and another group of 7 that --when I asked them if they lived here -- they said no -- but that they had an aunt who lived two blocks away.  The first group -- the group from here I gave them a coupon for a free ice cream cone (one dip) at Baskin-Robbins.  I bought a book of them (20) for $2.00 -- that's not bad -- 10 cents a dip!!  Wanted to be able to give them to the Stubbs, and some other people.  The second group -- with the aunt -- two blocks away.  I had found some small suckers -- they had to be a year old.  They got one each.  Maybe I should have given them my dentist business card with them!!  Alot of Churches and Recreation depts etc, were giving Halloween parties here, and I'm sure that helped  cut down on the callers.  Also the fact that I had the porch light OFF, and that Buffy did alot of good barking . . . .

It has gotten so cold here.  The days of shorts and sandals are over.  Monday I rode my bike to school.  With two sweatshirts, scarf, shoes, socks, the whole bit I was still so cold!!  Went past two of the clock/temperature deals . . . one said 56º the other 54º -- now thats cold.  Marion has been coming by the school in the afternoon to gather cans so I am going to start riding with her or Mici (the lady that lives behind us that works there) -- today I have the Dentist appt.

Alma School -- across the Salt River -- that was flooded last year . . . is having a big bridge built across it.  Thus Alma School is closed off.  Marion has been going either across to Country Club road or down to McClintock . . . which isn't very far from the school. (ASU)  So its really not out of her way to drop me off or pick me up.  It's almost nice to get to school early.  It's like a ghost town . . . no crowds to fight.  Quiet . . . can get alot done!!!

Besides the paper that's due tomorrow . . . I now have three papers assigned.  One is to be on "My Philosophy of Aging."  Thats for the Recreation and the aged class. 

Needless to say, I better get going . . . lots to do.  Will be anxious to hear about the Hortons stay, and what you all have going on . . . sure sounds like Mary Virginia's band is doing great . . . Mary Virginia can you still make as much noise on your instrument without your appendix??

While in Denver Marion got me (under my instructions) a pair of flamolare loafers -- 11 AAA -- for $30 . . . what I looked for that day in Columbus.


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