Sunday, December 29, 2019

1979 Roberta Letter -Nov.11

[Nov. 11,1979]
Sunday afternoon
1:00 P.M.
Dear Family,

Hi!!! (seem to be having trouble with the ! coming out clear)  Also seems like a long time since I've written.  Winter is definitely here in the valley of the sun.  Last night it got down to 42 and this morning when I got up it was 64º in the house.  Now up to 72 -- just right with two sweatshirts on . . .

I've had a big day so far.  Should start this story out by saying what all happened yesterday.  We scheduled the wheelchair van to take Agnes shopping at the mall.  It could not have been a better day weather-wise.  Had the van pick her up (I went down and then rode with her in the van to the mall) at 12:00 noon.  We did a a little shopping then ate lunch and then little more shopping then walked her here where the van was suppose to pick her up at 4:00 in the afternoon.  Marion met us at the mall.  Agnes has been to her house cleaning out closets -- about three times in the last few weeks.  While doing that she found three girdles that she had bought from Sears -- still in their bags -- receipt and the whole bit.  She wanted to take them back.  She had bought them in 1972.  Sears took them back without any question or hesitation.  They wanted to know only if she had some sort of ID and when she didn't they asked me if they could see mine.  The three girdles came to almost $24.00  Now with that money she wanted to buy a dress but could't find any yesterday that she liked; so when I talked to her this A.M. said she would order from Lane Bryant.

Back to the wheelchair van . . . at ten after four I called them up asking if something was wrong; since they are usually five or ten minutes early.  Yes.  The wheel chair van could not be used since the gas tank was leaking very badly.  But that a regular taxi driver -- in a regular car would be coming.  Soon he came, but he said that he would have no part in moving Agnes or in the actual carrying her . . . as far as putting her in the taxi.  Then we thought of this PROJECT MOBILITY van . .. which is a wheelchair van and the organizer lives in the town house area just a few buildings down . . . also the van is parked just down from us.  We went over and he came over and said how happy he would be to take Agnes home.  He knew her from before as he used to take her and alot of other nursing home patients to church . . . along with employees from Diamonds Store, etc.  They have thee vans, but both of the drivers he had have both gotten sick.  In fact one is in a nursing home now with a stroke.  He is the one that used to pick up Agnes to take her to Church on a pretty regular basis, guess he always said how awful nursing homes were and that he would never want to be in one.

So to make a long story short I volunteered my time on Sunday mornings as far as picking up patients and getting them to Church.  I will be picking up about 10 people from 6 different nursing homes.  To get them all picked up and to be at the 9:00 service have to start out at seven . . . or a little before on Sunday morning.  This morning I went with him and worked the deal going up and down as far as getting the wheelchairs in the van.  The van holds six wheelchairs and this morning we had a full house.  I'm really glad to be able to do it . . . plus should be a plus in the wonderful world of work.  (as one Prof. often says ) Perhaps I should say the wonderful world of getting work!!!!

Marion plans to get her chauffeur's license so she can also help . . . tho we would go in the same van . . . probably.  I have a C license now.  also the guy (Mark) who is in charge of this Project Mobility said that I would be welcome to use the van in taking Agnes somewhere. 

[Love, etc. -- Roberta]

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