Friday, December 20, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -Nov.1

Thursday, November 1, 1979

Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  We were glad to get your letter today.  And to hear all the latest news from Ohio.  October was a bad month for me as far as writing letters go so here I am trying to get a better start in November.  I supposed it is about time to think about addressing Christmas cards.  With Thanksgiving being so early this year it won't be long until all those Christmas sales pitches will be heard.

Nothing much new on Gerry's forthcoming hospital visit.  He did find out that if he has surgery the minimum hospital stay after surgery is a week.  We had thought it might be longer than that so it was good news.  I'll be calling you next week when I have more information on what will be happening.  Several people have offered to babysit Wendy at various times and I'll fill out the gaps with the paid babysitter so that is being taken care of.

We had our apartment inspection today - that is Sandi came over from Eugene with her assistant.  I am always amazed how every month she can find a few little things that aren't as they should be.  I always try to take care of everything I can think of as well as all the things she has mentioned in the past but every month she comes up with something new.  She walks around the buildings with her notebook in hand jotting things down.  At least she doesn't find fault with the paperwork - that has to be my strong point.

Wendy has been under the weather for the past few days - hitting a low point yesterday afternoon.  I was going to take her to the Dr. today if she didn't show signs of improvement but she did seem a little better today and tonight she played for a little while before she went to bed so maybe tomorrow she will be more like normal.  Nothing really wrong with her except she had a fever and all she wanted to do was lie down - on the floor, on the sofa, wherever she happened to be.  And she didn't even ask to go outside which is very unusual for her.  I had been giving her Liquiprin for the fever.

I'm glad I got the 6-month inspection of the apartments taken care of.  I have almost finished with the repairs that were necessary - broken window locks, closet doors needing adjusted, and two towel racks that had fallen off the wall.  Nothing serious.  The next project is to re-certify all the tenants which means I have to give them a form to take to their employer to verify how much they make, then type up a recertification to send in during December.  Always something.

Gerry &

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