Monday, December 02, 2019

1979 Roberta's Letter -Oct.14

Sunday 10:30 AM
Dear Family,

Thanks for your letter . . . and sure glad for that new carbon paper . . . I was going to get you all some for Christmas!!!  Seems to be on double spacing . . . which as wordy as I am will have to change!!!

The big news here in SUN DEVIL LAND (name of ASU football team) is that the head coach was fired last night.  I'm sure you all are keeping up with the story.  Kush (the coach) had been at ASU sine 1958 -- has developed quite a fan club . . . but obviously some other -- right now is being charged in some law suit for having hit a kid last year on the team.  Will be interesting to see the school reaction to it all.

Also appreciate the pictures . . . are they mine to keep?  I am still anxious to see one -- or more of the actual wedding pictures . . .Were the pictures you sent what Dad took???

Tomorrow is the day that my group is to give an inservice to the class -- as if we were giving it to employees of a senior center.  I'm to cover the social-psychological and biological aspects of aging.  I'll just be glad when it is over -- tho I have pretty much under control what I am going to say.  I'll have the floor for about 7-8 minutes.  I'm going to begin by saying - - FANTASY - - "You are Eighty."  Thing about your current situation, and where you are living, your friends, how you spend your life -- what things you do in your leisure time -- and your job if you are working.  Now let's fantasize your situation a number of years from now.  You have just had your 80th birthday . . . your home is costing more than your fixed income can afford, you have trouble with arthritis, and you find it difficult to do your own shopping, etc.  Marion is really a big help when it comes to getting these papers smoothed out.

I am enclosing a copy of the hand-out I am giving to the class.  Had it printed yesterday near ASU at one of those print shops . . . usually they charge 5 cents for white paper and 6 cents for colored paper.  But, with a coupon (I still have 6 of them) you can have white paper at 2 and a half cents and colored for 3 cents a page.  Thats a good bargain -- in this day of inflationary prices.  You all can tell who was with me as far as color choice goes.  I made several mistakes in the typing -- which I tried to correct after the pages were out of the typewriter -- the worst one being on the last page -- last paragraph.  the word expresses.

Your Christmas plans sound just fine.  I am curious as to dates.  When is Mary Virginia out of school?  Oh, when we were at Church today -- hardly recognized Mrs. Garrett.  She has a curly permanent -- a real curly one!!!!  Really looks quite good on her.  I got my hair cut yesterday -- still have quite curly hair --just got it cut and now it looks all the curlier.  The week before at the new mall picked up a coupon for a hair cutting place there -- $2 off haircut.  So gave them a call for an appointment -- and with coupon -- haircut would have been some $15 dollars!!!  So I went to the place down Southern for $5 -- usually Dorothy cuts my hair -- but she has all sorts of company here now from Kansas -- and she doesn't do that great with curly hair.

Jackie Phelon called here Friday night -- about 11:00.  She is still in San Diego and thought that she would like to come here some tine in November to relax.  I am afraid she would drive Marion crazy -- in a short amount of time.

Now -- to get back to the Christmas plans -- how much time do you think you would be able to stay out here -- I would probably be able to go to Oregon --if say I could be back here in like a week or little more.  I've had several offers for volunteering -- but want to check out which I think have the best outlook for the future -- perhaps jobwise.  Remember the FRIENDSHIP VILLAGE  that was being built -- or actually last year the land was just marked off.  There on Southern -- right behind the hospital near Dobson.  Read an article in the paper this past week and the first phase of it -- some 300 units for retirement people have already been sold. It won't even be completed till Spring.

One of the places I am going to visit is the place behind Marie Callender's -- the restaurant over on Dobson -- almost due West of us.  Remember it -- was being built for people over 60 -- has a health care unit too.  I can visit that as part of my visits for my class.  That might be a good place to check out about doing volunteer work -- because I think they are the "thing" of the future.  Friendship Village is alot like that -- except much bigger scale.  It will have some 300 garden homes.  Oh, speaking of gardens --  am enclosing an article about gardening which will be interesting to Dad.  Tempe Parks and Recreation has achieved alot of National awards for its program. 

That is something about Jim's girlfriend being relation to Hodsons in Hillsboro.  I'll never forget them tho when I had them on the paper-route out there by the Lions Club -- Poor Mrs. Hodson never had money to pay me.  And she hated to write out a check.

I haven't heard form Catherine for a long, long time.  think that she even owes me a letter.  What is Serena doing now in Chicago????  Sounds funny her needing blankets --- when we still have the AC on -- tho its up to 80 -- doesn't run all that much.  I really notice the cold going to school -- have started wearing long pants just last few days.

I sent Lisa a De Grazia bell chime -- wanted to send her something -- didn't want to go the money route -- but hated to get her something she would get duplicates of or not need.  I had seen these bell chimes before -- then guess it was two weekends ago we were out at Diamonds -- and they had them for sell -- on sell -- price was decent -- $9.99 instead of $20 -- and even got the one I had liked before.  Had the ojo de dios -- really quite pretty.  I haven't been out to the old mall (Tri-city) -- since the new mall opened -- but imagine it is taking quite a drop.  I did tell you that the new mall has a giant cookie place -- didn't I?  The small of them (the cookies) gets to you way before you get near the shop.  Have only been to the new Mall once.

Don't think that I have lost anything this past week . . . I did tell you that my file folder was found -- where it should have been the whole time -- in the Dept of Recreation -- which is now under new name -- of Dept of Leisure Studies.

Your Square Dancing sounds like alot of fun.  Are the Pratts still going with you all?  When you come out here you can go tho the Square Dance in Scottsdale and teach them.

Better get going.  Thanks again for the pictures and the letter . . . and articles.  I have two papers plus test coming up this week.  That's after the inservice deal is over tomorrow.

(That's my stand-up signature)

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