Thursday, July 24, 2014

1984 MV letter to family -July 22


Dear Family –

I didn't get down to the factory today, but wanted to get a letter off before the week is too far gone.  Hopefully my handwriting will be more legible than last week's typing.

Another busy week has gone by with lots of activities.  I figured out today I get a minimum of 50 miles driving a day with work during the day and church at night.

Church ball team will be over this week, as our last practice and game are Monday & Saturday respectively.  We will finish out the season in third place with a record of 3 (losses wins) - 5 (losses).  Not bad for the first year.

I got to Bible School 3 nights at Villars chapel this past week.  One night I taught for a friend who had a birthday.

It seems hard to believe that Mom and Dad have been gone nearly 2 weeks.  Glad they are having a good time and I really praise the Lord for giving me peace of mind about staying alone.

Grandma and I went to Leesburgh [sic] for lunch after church.  She is having the house painted and it looks good.  I think they're about done.

The week after Bermuda I am going to try to go to Faith Homes which is in Northern Illinois –Gordon (my pastor) is going to call & try and see if they have room.  I told him September 3-7.

This week I start my serious dieting.  Not only do I have 10 lbs. to go to get Roberta's $$, but I am joining the diet class at church called Overeaters Victorious.  They use books called "Free to be Thin" by Neva Coyle.

Guess that's about it.  It's 11:00 and I have to be up at 4:00 to go to work.  Hope all of you are okay.  I take it for granted you're still alive as last weeks letters weren't returned with address unknown or addressee deceased.

Love & Prayers,
Mary Virginia

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