Tuesday, May 28, 2013

1973 Roberta's Letter - May 28

 May 28, 1973
"Happy Memorial Day"

Dear Mary Virginia,

Hi – Was sure nice to talk to you yesterday and am happy to know that you will be staying w/ us for a couple of weeks.  Disney World - here we come!!

Tonight I was cleaning out my night-stand and I found a letter I had started to you right after I got your birthday card w/ so many "goodies"!  So now - I'm not sure if I thanked you for it - OR NOT!  You know, I have a terrible MEMORY!!  If I never wrote you - thanking you - I'm very sorry.  If I already did – I know it won't hurt to thank you twice for it!!  OK – Thanks.  I really liked it alot.  I took it to work & showed it to some of the different people I work w/.  They all thought it was so cute!  Today I told them that you would be coming down for a couple of weeks – so now you will have to meet them.  They are pretty nutty – but not as nutty as Rozella or Cathy in J & Dub.

Today was something at work - the electricity went off - the whole store was completely DARK!! At 1st it was kinda funny but then some people got real excited – alot of women started screaming  - 2 people almost fainted & another woman kept yelling that she was going to sue (sp?) the store. I had to help all of these elderly people down the esculator (sp?) – w/ a flashlight.  Of course the esculator wasn't working – After about 40 minutes the electricity came back on - boy - was I happy about that!!

I don't have to work tomorrow or Wednesday.  That's almost like having a week-end off - except that it is in the middle of the week.

Gee - you are just about out of school.  I'll be done w/ Math by the time you all come – but I'll be taking first aid then.  (I could have used some first aid knowledge today!)

It got up to 95º today - Wow - was it HOT!!

Be sure to tell everyone Hello for me – Grandma & the family.

Love, Berts
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