Thursday, July 08, 2021

1981 Catherine's Letter -July 6


Monday, July 6, 1981

Dear Mother, Dad & Mary,

Hi!  How was your Fourth of July weekend?  We certainly had a good time and did quite a few things.  Friday Wendy and I did play golf with Oma.  Even though we got to the golf course at 8:15 it was very hot (90º at 9:00) and both Wendy and Oma were wilted by the time we played six holes so that was all we played.  Wendy and I spent the rest of the morning taking the garbage to the dump, going to the library, and then she played in the park (which she loves with a passion) for a few minutes before we picked Gerry up for lunch.  We had lunch at Wendy's favorite restaurant, the Meet Market where they serve the best clam chowder in town.  Friday night we went to the Elks for awhile and then to some friends house the Behrend's who have two girls, one Wendy's age and the other 7.  Wendy ended up spending the night as she and Darcy are good friends and did not want to be separated.  Darcy goes to the Day Care Center also so Wendy knows her from there besides the family activities at the Elks.

Saturday we went to a pot luck picnic in Metolius -- kind of a community affair sponsored by a place called the Desert Inn.  We are friends of the people who run the place.  We went with the Behrends and another cuple.  After that we went to Warm Springs to see the fireworks which were interrupted several times as there were several fires the fire department had to go to.  By the time the fireworks really got going it was begining to rain so we left.  We spent the night "camping" at the home of Donna Behrend's parents.  They had planned to stay all night there as her parents are out of town and wanted somebody in the house.  They have a beautiful house right on the Deschutes River about three miles south of Warm Springs.

On Sunday we went to another potluck picnic.  This one was sponsored by the Elks for the exalted ruler and his wife who are about to leave for the national convention which is in Las Vegas this year.  It had been raining al day but cleared up about 3:00 so it ended up to be a nice evening for the picnic.

It is now Tuesday a.m.  sorry I didn't get this mailed yesterday.  Gerry had the day off and took me out to lunch so I didn't get home to finish this as I had planned.  Gerry just got elected secretary of the Elks (The previous secretary resigned) so we have been busy working on that.  The secretary also does the bookkeeping for the lodge and the club.  There is quite a bit of work involved, however, it is paid position, so that helps to make it worth the time.  It does mean that we will both be alot busier though.  Some of the work can be done at home but alot of it has to be done there.  The problem now is that there is quite a bit of catching up to do and the former secretary and his wife are out of town on vacation so can't explain anything to us.  I'm sure we can figure it out -- will just take longer this way.

Time's up.

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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