Monday, July 19, 2021

1971 Roberta's Letter -July 19


July 19, 1971

Dear Family,

Hi There!!  Seems like I haven't written for awhile -- not really sure where to start.  But believe you me -- I have been busy!!

Tomorrow starts our third week of Bible School.  I've got to admit -- I'm glad we only have it on Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays.  Tomorrow I've got the lesson -- um -- it should be interesting!!  I'm using the 'story' of Zacchaeus and then changing it quite a bit so that these kids might be able to relate it to themselves.

OH!  It's 1:00 A.M. -- so it is just barely the 19th.  I'm already (!) getting sleepy so I might not get much written tonight.

Boy!  This last week has really been warm!!  I've been swimming twice.  But I sure want to buy me a pair of gym shoes -- the beach is so rocky!!

Thursday we are planning a hike & combination swim for the kids here.  That should be fun.  We are only (!) going to walk about a mile & a half -- one-way -- so it won't be much of a hike.

Hi -- it is now Monday morning and Bible School will be starting in about 15 minutes.

Today is going to be another hot day -- which I'm thankful for.  After Bible School we are going to wash our clothes.  We are so lucky to be able to have a washer for the summer.  Patsy's washer is one of those wringer type.  This way you feel like you have a bigger part in doing the wash.  And believe me -- you do!!

When I went to the doctor Friday she (woman doctor!) told me that I should start using insect repellent on one arm and see what happens.  So far nothing has happened -- and hopefully nothing will.

I don't have to go back to the doctor anymore -- which I'm also glad about because going into Merritt usually creates quite a big ordeal.

After my doctors appointment Dixie & I went to Schullus where we were invited to a birthday party.

We originally planned to have the ground-hog Friday before we left for Merritt.  But we took so long in 'preparing' the thing that it didn't get in the oven soon enough.

Ground-hog tastes an awful lot like pork -- very greasy!!!  I think (!)  it has a sharper taste than pork.

We saved the grease so we've even been having potatoes & ground-hog gravy.  Real luxury living, huh?

It's now Monday night -- hope I get a chance to mail this tomorrow -- I hate to write letters and then have them sit around!!

Mary Virginia -- I do hope you write Maria a letter.  At least a note -- OK?  I know she would sure appreciate it -- has asked me at least ten times if I have heard from you.

Tonight we sat down & planned our menus for the rest of the summer -- oh -- what a job!!  But then we did not want to run out --

Had a busy day today as usual.  Baby-sat for a two year old girl for about 2½  hours.  Got the wash done, then after that mopped the kitchen floor.  I always mop after I wash -- know why?  Cause I 'spill' so much water in running those clothes through the rollers.

Mom -- I was wondering about my washing my sleeping bag.  It is sorta getting that run-down dirty feeling.  But then since it will be my bed for another month I don't want it to fall apart.  What do you think if I would wash it?

I got a long & nice letter from Betty Waite about 3 days ago.  Still haven't answered it.  I bet some people must really think I'm failing in my correspondence!  But then -- get this -- I've already used 100 stamps since I've been here!!  I'm a real boost to the Canadian Postage sales!!

Well, it is getting late -- and I want to get two more letters done tonight so I better close.

I hope you all are fine.  Always glad to hear from you.  Hello to Grandma -- Wish I had more time to write -- so much to say -- Well -- I'll be seeing you all in about a month!!

Um -- got to go!

Love in Christ,

P.S. Please tell Mrs. Penn hello & also everyone else. 

I just checked in the envelope & found the Bible School lesson instead of this letter -- found letter in Bible!!!  Gee --

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