Wednesday, July 14, 2021

1981 Catherine's Letter -July 13

Monday, July 13, 1981

Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  sorry I didn't get to talk to you this past week.  I had intended to call on Friday morning but got busy and didn't notice the time until 8:01.  On Saturday we were busy and then I didn't know what time you were leaving on Sunday.  'll try again for this Friday morning.  I should have an easy time work-wise as Dr. W's wife had her baby yesterday -- a girl, so they now have two girls.  The office is going to be closed until Thursday.  I have to work today and get the appointments we scheduled for today, tomorrow, and Wednesday rescheduled.  Then the other two girls will be working tomorrow and the next day so someone will be there to write up receipts and answer the telephone.  Thursday and Friday we will be seeing patients both days and then I will have next Monday off.

These days off will help right now to give me a chance to get things caught up (hopefully) at the Elks.  The previous secretary had let things slide for at least the last six months and it makes it doubly hard for us to try to figure out what has been done and where to start with the catching up.  At least the bookkeeping part (his wife did that) is fairly up to date.  Not all of June is done but we are in the process of getting that done and then I can start on the posting for July.  Besides working every night last week for a few hours we spent all day Saturday there.  Wendy was able to stay with us for part of the day and then she went to her friend Darcy's house to play.  I am going to take Wendy to work with me today since there won't be any patients there.  She has spent the afternoon with me before but not the whole day so hope she does OK.  We will take a bag of her books and a doll probably.  The people who run the ice cream parlor down the street have two little girls (5 & 3) who are there alot of the time and Wendy likes to play with them so that will also offer some diversion.

My starting date at the library is now five weeks from today.  It seemed even closer last week when I was training my replacement at Dr. W's office.  She had a week and a half trial run far enough in advance so that if she didn't want the job or if they didn't like her there would still be time enough to hire someone else.  She has worked as a secretary before and handled all the paperwork with ease but had more difficulty with the telephone and the patients in the office.  Dealing with the people should improve with practice though hopefully.  She decided she would like the job.   Debbie, the assistant, who started in March, is quitting the end of July so I am giving mini-interviews for a new assistant.  I have a list of questions I have to ask that include "do you like people?"  "describe your ideal boss."  It makes me feel better about leaving since she hasn't been there as long as I have.  Her husband was working for Jefferson County Sheriff's Dept. but got a job with Deschutes County Sheriff's Dept. and is now stationed in LaPine which is about 18 miles south of Bend (below Sun River) so they will have to move.

It's now 8:00 and Wendy isn't even up yet so I better get her moving so she can have something to eat before we go to work.


Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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