Thursday, July 15, 2021

1971 Roberta's Letter -July 14


July 14, 1971
Dear Family,

Hi!  How's everything in New Vienna?  Right now I'm sitting in the Merritt doctors clinic.  It's 1:30 now and my appointment isn't till app 3:20 so I should be able to get alot of letter writing caught up on!!

My rash doesn't seem to be any better -- in fact it has gotten on my lips which isn't real pleasant.  I hope the doctor can say more about it today.

Yesterday I went to Kamloops with an Indian Family.  We were gone from about 9:30 A.M. till about 5:00 P.M.  Kamloops is a pretty big town about 50 miles from Quilchena.  I had a good time -- even tho I spent the afternoon waiting in the Indian Affairs Office for them.

The family bought 40 pounds of cherries [or possibly cheerios] at $7.50 per 10 pounds.  I drove on the way back because Joyce was so sleepy.  I really wonder if I should be driving on my expired license.

Our "fun night" last night really went over good.  We had gobs of kids & about eight adults.  About 9:00 the electricity went out in the school house so we ended up having the slides at Marianne's house.  It worked out fine about each family bringing a plate of cookies or something.  One woman brought two BIG cakes!!

Since I've had this rash all the people on the reserve have been busy playing "Doctor" telling me about when so & so broke out with a rash & what did the trick for them.  All of them are really interesting -- though I don't think I'd like to try all of them!!

Right before I left to come to Merritt today, Patsy came home.  Patsy is the woman who owns the house we've been staying.  She just came back for the day and then is going back to the states.  She still wants us to live in her house.

OH - I checked at the Quilchena store where they have gas pumps and regular gas is 53.9 & the ethyl a better gas is 57.9  Wow!!!  Kind of high, huh???

The other day we bought some ivory liquid for dishes and paid $1.11 for the bottle.  I thought that was really terrible!!

Hey -- you all did get the keys to the suitcases didn't you?

Well, I better be closing.  I've got so many people to write -- sure miss my typewriter -- would make everything alot faster.  Will appreciate it more in September.

OK -- by the way -- open up any mail from G.F.C. or U.C. that is addressed to me.  I'm curious as to my credits transferring.

Will add more later after I see the doctor.

Hello -- now Thursday morning about 7:00.  Ron & Emily will be coming through soon so I'll try & get this done so they can mail.

The doctor thinks I'm (or might be) allergic to bug repellent.  She gave me another prescription & I've got to go back Friday afternoon (tomorrow) to see Her (woman doctor).  Said prescription she gave me should really clear it up fast.  Sure hope so!!

Last night went to a tupperware party held by an Indian woman on the reserve.  It was something else!!  I won -- the team I was on won -- each of us we got a tupperware salad fork.  We won while playing the game where you put straws in your mouth then you have to pass a thimble.  It was fun --

Well I better go.

Love in Christ,

P.S.  -- Got letter from Nancy Walker yesterday -- if you see her soon tell her I'll write soon as possible and also thanks for her letter!

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