Friday, July 09, 2021

1971 Roberta's Letters -July 7

 July7, 1971

Dear Mary V.,

My name is Romona Meshel. 
I am 7 years old.
I in grade two next year.
I have 2 dogs.  their names are turkey and Bono.
I live next to Danny.  He is a little Baby.  I went to Bible School.
I know your sister Bert.
Do you live in the states?
Write me if you can.

Love, Romona

* * * * *

Hi, Mary Virginia!  

Romona "helped" me baby-sit tonight with Danny.  She is an Indian girl about your age.  If you have time maybe you could write her a note & send it to me and I'll make sure Romona gets it.

I hope you are fine.  What have you been doing since you got back from Florida?  I wish I could have seen you be flower-girl.  Do make sure I get to see some pictures.  -- ok?

Tell all of your friends hi for me.  Be sure & tell Grandma hi for me too.

Hope to hear from you. --


* * * * * 

July 7, 1971

Dear Family,

Hi!  Thanks alot for your letter & post-card yesterday.  I'm baby-sitting right now with Danny.  I'm pretty sure I told you all about the two of us baby-sitting with him.  When he is asleep -- it's sure a good time to write letters.  I just wish he would sleep more!!

Yesterday we got our mail after Ron made a trip into Merritt.  I had 12 letters and they were all kidding me about my "fan club", I told them that that's just the result of letter-writing and getting everyone into a good habit of writing.

I did get a letter from Mrs. Penn yesterday.  She sent me a dollar to take some pictures.  I'm going to try & buy you a little something too.

By the way if any of you would like anything that you think they would sell up here just let me know & also send the money.  Just thought I would add that in.

We had even more food stolen so we finally had to pack everything up and take it to the house.  But then -- I wonder -- just how safe is it there.  I'm pretty sure I told you all about the house being broke into last week-end.

Where will Serena be going on her bike trip?  How long will she be gone?

I hate to sound like a dummy but what kind of good news did I get from U.C.?  If it's anything about my credits transferring do let me in on it quickly!!

I still haven't gotten my grades yet   I don't think I'll be able to see about my credits transferring till G.F.C. sends a complete transcript.

I'm glad you liked my essay I did for English last term.  It (school) seems so far & long ago now!

It has really been cold here the last couple of days.  Especially at night & early mornings.  We have quit using the wood stove -- almost out of wood is the main reason.

Sounds like you all did do some checking on Quilchena.  The hotel is right beside the Quilchena General Store.  It's a real impressive type of building!!  I've seen post-cards of it and I'll try & get one for you all.  Technically speaking I do not live in Quilchena -- I live in Quilchena Indian Reserve.  And when talking to the Indians here there is a big difference.  Quilchena is simply the hotel, store & about 2 houses.  The scenery here is really beautiful!

Just now a nurse was here at the house to see if we were all-all-right.  Also she wanted to see me about using the school next Tuesday as a clinic.  The nurse works for the Indian Affairs Dept.

OH -- remember me telling you about this woman I met that could only speak Indian.  Well -- that is Danny's Great-Grandmother.  She is here too.  (I'm at Sharon's house -- Danny's mom's)  It's really something because she keeps talking to me & I have no idea of what she is saying.  I do know a few more words but oh -- I'm at a total loss when anyone uses them in sentences!!

I'm going to fix her supper for her tonight -- um -- I wonder how I'll call her for supper.  I'll probably have to carry a pate of food in to her room & then carry it back to the table.  Hopefully she'll be able to smell it!!  She is really, really OLD!

Today is the last day of Bible School this week.  I really feel like we are being used as some of the mothers send kids as young as 14 months old.  then we have about 4 kids about the ages of 3 & 4.  And it is almost impossible to plan a lesson to keep the interest of kids between ages of 14 months & 14 years old.

We tried to divide it up but the older ones still came in the mornings.  We suggested that the ones above ten come in the afternoons.

We have started an afternoon Bible Study and we had 7 yesterday afternoon.  It's with -- so far -- just teen-age girls.  I led it yesterday & I kept having to back track because of vocabulary.  As an example I used the word "Savior" and asked a girl 14 what it meant & she told me it meant someone that saves you when you are drowning.  She was serious too!!  It's really hard on my brain to explain something that I'm so used to.

Last night was another ballgame.  It was at Douglas Lake so we all got to go down there for the evening.

Did I tell you about my falling off the horse?  Well, so far that has been a really great 'contact' point with everyone here.  It has really been a good conversation piece & I don't ever have to bring it up myself.  News spreads in Quilchena faster than New Vienna!!!

Catherine's wedding really sounds exciting.  What is Catherine doing this summer?

Has Cris decided anything for sure about next year & what he will be doing?  I hope he leaves some work for me at the shop.

I don't know if I ever told you all but I have started wearing my foot "deals" (white things that go inside of shoes) -- I got from Doctor Moran -- day in and day out.  My feet were giving me quite a bit of trouble but now -- in general -- they are fine.  I've also started massaging my feet & that seems to help too.

Hey -- I found a verse last night that I thought I could compare to my getting my mail!  It's Proverbs 25:25.  I thought that "far off lands" could be in reference to Ohio!! [Ho, Hum!!]  I'll make you all look up the verse!!

Well.  I better be closing!! Write whenever you can, "fan members"!!  Be sure and Hi for me to everyone.

Love in Christ,

P.S. Will enclose two folders.  As for the map, Quilchena is in the upper right hand corner.  And on the folder called "Drive the Fabulous Figure" there is something about Merritt & the Nicola valley on the 4th page.

It's now Thursday morning & I have sure got some news for yo all.  Last night while I was baby-sitting, Sappro & Dixie went into Merritt & were able to get the mail.  ALL I had was one letter but it was my grades.  And am I ever overjoyed!! I got:

Personality - A
English - A
Civilizations - A
Speech - B
Archery - C

How about that?  Do check the blue sheet & see for yourself!!  And I also made the Deans list too.  Exciting, huh?  Too bad I got a  B  in Speech -- & also that C in Archery doesn't look too good.  but look at the others -- Ho, Hum!

Love (Again),

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