Friday, May 07, 2021

1981 Family Letter -May 3


Sunday --  
May 3, 1981

Dearest Family --

We have had a beautiful day today -- in fact most of this week has been real springlike -- some days rainy but on the whole a nice week.  Doesn't seem like we are already three days into May -- the spring is going quickly by.  Last Monday and Tuesday were in the 70's and 80's.

I had something every night last week and finally collapsed on Thursday night.  Friday night we went to Washington Court House to dance to a national square dance caller from Hot Springs, Ark.  We had talked about doing something Saturday night as Mie Young and Mary Virginia were going to Xenia but we ended up going to bed a little after 9PM so felt fairly rested up today.

The big news is that Bob Johnson's clothing store was sold at auction yesterday and Bob Streber bought it for $8750.  There wasn't much left in the way of clothing to be auctioned.  Had heard that he could sell his old cash register for $1000 as it was about 1915 vintage.

Ethel King is retiring at the end of this school year so they are to have an end-of-the-year party honoring her May 13 at the Snow Hill Country Club.

Grandma treated us to dinner at Ginny's Restaurant today which wasn't too bad -- nice to be treated -- the food especially the vegetables were really overcooked.  They were doing a big business.  Even had fresh flowers on the table.  Prices are hard to beat --$2.95 for meat and two vegetables or salads with rolls $3.25 for three of us.

Dad took Mie Young out driving for 20-30 minutes and then we drove over to Wilmington to see Mrs. Matthews and took her out for a brief walk (she rode in her wheelchair) before the weekly church service at 4PM.  From there we went to the hospital, made the rounds and over to see Mrs. Howard Penn.  Had something to eat at Frisch'es and then stopped to see Martha Ann and Donald Bernard.  He has been in the hospital -- got home Easter Sunday.  She told us that Shirley went back to teaching after Easter.  Barbara and her husband are expecting and will be moving to Fostoria where her husband will be working in a co-op called Ohio Farmer so neither will be teaching this next year.

They also said that Martha and Richard Haines were in church today -- Martha walking with help and the Bernards hadn't heard anything about her problem(s).  They felt badly after they asked so do hope it isn't too bad.  Her speech has been affected but certainly hope and pray it isn't a brain tumor.  It is good that Debbie will be able to be home as well as Marcia.

I stopped to see Jo Streber about ten days ago and she was down at the store yesterday and was really promoting the buying of Johnson's.  She wore a scarf which covers her head but underneath nothing but a patch on her head as she isn't allowed to wear the wigs which she had purchased.  Jeff is finally home from the hospital and though confined to a wheel chair gives her something else to think (as well as worry) about.  He has a nurse with him -- one who he had met while in Cincinnati who developed quite a liking for him.

MV is painting away on the downstairs bedroom, so there will be plenty of room here for you Serena, tho you will not have your Chicago privacy, nor the choice of jobs that the Chicago area has.

Roberta is there any of your items that you want us to bring out to you on the 19th?  With Serena going back to KC we will have an intermediate stop en route to the SW and the NW parts of the U.S.  The Harners are going to the Squ. Dance Convention in Seattle, but that trip was just too much for us.  Last Wed. Evening they had an Eastman Kodak movie at the Murphy Theater at $1.00 a piece on Britain and Ireland -- great pictures.  Afterwards the Cunninghams (Mrs. C. was on the trip with us to Ireland) invited a group to stop at their house for snacks and "travel talk".

Catherine, how is your rhubarb plant doing?  We have had too much rain this past week to make any progress in the garden.  Then this week we are going to Columbus for two days for the Ohio Bar Mtgs . . . we are going to meet Carol & John for dinner on Friday evening.  Happy May to each of you.


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