Thursday, May 06, 2021

1971 Roberta's Letter -May 1


May Day, 1971

Dear Family,

Hi!  Hope you all are all-right.  How's that for a tongue-twister??

Today at Silver Falls, etc. was really exciting.  On the way there we went "Russian Hunting".  You see there is a Russian camp on the way down there.  Actually, it wasn't hard at all once we got in the area.  Their houses were bright colors -- ugly bright house colors.  A very funny blue seemed to be their favorite.  Also they wore very bright clothes.  We "found" quite a few.  Bit it was bad when you found them on the road because they seemed to think that both sides of the road was for them!!

Then when we went to Silverton we had our picnic.  We took all the hikes there.  It is a state park area.  I took some pictures & sure hope they turn out.  I also hope I don't come up with poison ivy in a couple of days!!!

We got back in time for supper.  On the way back we came thru Salem where we more-or-less looked for a rock festival which was suppose to be there today.  We couldn't hear anything and didn't feel like missing our supper looking for it so we came on back.

Enclosed is a folder I got at the Portland library about Indians if anyone is interested.  Some of the books should be interesting.  "Custer died for your sins" is suppose to be especially good.

Last night & tonight I am spending my nights at the Fishers.  They went to Southern California for the weekend.  Sara is staying there with me.  I'm not enjoying it all that much because of all these silly kittens, cats, dogs, etc.  I think there are five cats. 

There are also some fish that I've got to feed -- but they don't bother me too much since they stay in their bowl & leave me alone.  I tell you -- never get a cat -- their silly hair will get all over everything.  Can't even go around with just socks on unless you want cat hair all over the bottom.

This morning I got up & fixed my own breakfast.  Now I've got a better appreciation for Saga.  (school's food service!)  All that messing -- hard for me to enjoy my food if I've got to fix it myself.  But thought I should fix the stuff because Mrs. Fisher left me out all this stuff & left me a note, etc.  But tomorrow -- back to Saga.

Last night I saw the school play "Fantasticks" -- still not sure about the spelling!  It was pretty good.  Have you all even seen it?

Well, I better be closing for now.  Maybe I'll add more before I mail it Monday.  I hope you all have sent me some stamps and also some green stuff.


Hi!  Right now I'm in chapel -- listening to the Gospel Gleemen.  I don't know if I should pay attention or not -- they are ministers of the Evangelical Church of North America -- that's a joke Pam & a bunch of us have because you know they were formed out of the Methodist Church.

Thanks alot for the letters today, stamps & money!  Who could ask for more?

I don't know yet where I'l be after Thetis Island.

How did Serena do on her drivers test?  Remember there is always hope -- I got mine on the second try.  Did Serena use the VW or the Chrysler?

By the way -- In about 2 weeks a bunch of us are going to the S&H stamp redemption place in Portland.  I already have about six books but I would welcome any stamps you see floating around.

Hi to Grandma!!!  If you send me Rev. Lynd's address & also address of Aunt Mary Hiestand I will try & send them get well cards.

If you remember -- May 17 or around there is Lettie Kibler's birthday.  I'm sending her a card.  I'm sure you remember that she is a great one for counting how many cards she gets.

I got a C+ on my 1st Personality test.  If I keep that up I'm sure not going to get an 'A' or a 'B'.  Oh well --

Second speech is due tomorrow.

I still haven't heard anything from U.C.

Yes -- do cancel the appointment with Doctor Schnebly.

Well, I better be closing.  Thanks again for everything.  John -- keep up the good work.


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