Sunday, February 04, 2018

1988 Family Letter -Jan.31 (John'a Copy)

Sunday, Jan. 31, 1988

Dear Family:

Its a very great feeling to be able to sleep most of the night now rather than waking up at midnight and thinking it is time to get up.  We got our four rolls of film back . . . most of them turned out pretty well and especially like those of us on the camel en route to the Pyramids.  We have not heard when the group is going to get together to talk about the trip.  It was a great 40th Celebration and happy experience that we will remember for the rest of our lives.

Three big sewer tile are on the corner of our lot and they are actually digging in another part of town.  We can only wonder what this project will do as far as adding to our utility bill.

Jean has been on the Emmaus walk since Thursday at 7 P.M. at the Wilmington United Methodist Church.  M.V. has been a very active working on this project, but NO contact with her Mother.  M.V. goes back to school on Feb.10th.

I am back home now after a most pleasant Walk and would recommend the experience for everyone.  It was most rewarding but also tiring for we got little sleep in all that time (72 hours).  Dad will have to catch you up on the news as I haven't seen a newspaper or had much contact at all with the outside world.  Glad to talk to Catherine and Roberta on the phone tonight and sorry that we weren't able to read John yet.

We think of you often and always glad to hear from you or better yet see & talk to you.  Looking forward to seeing you Feb. 26th-28th weekend!  Much Love, Dad & Mother

John – Sorry we didn't reach you.  Heard you have talked with the D.S.  Any details available?  Serena has reacher Santa Fe.  Ken has cut off his beard.  Thanks so very much for the letter which you sent for my Emmaus Walk.  I hear there's a possibility you will be going on one soon / or in the near future.  You will love it!

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