Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Letter from MV and Don to Mom and Dad, written January 24, 1992. Transcription follows.

Dear Mom and Dad –

This is my first time to use our computer;  Don is watching a basketball game so I thought that I would take advantage of being able to use it.  The layout of the keyboard is different than the one at the church, but it is nice to be able to use a computer at home.  I'm sure that we'll get lots of good use out of it.  We're also very pleased with the way that the printer (print) looks; it is nearly letter quality or equivalent.

Don got his Deacon's Orders done and in the mail on Wednesday, so he is quite relieved; he is already beginning to worry about his interview/oral defense.  I think he will do just fine.  After more thought, he has decided that if Simpson Memorial is unable to come up to minimum salary, then it is okay to move.  For awhile he did not want to move period.  A full time salary for both of us would relieve financial stress, especially once the baby is here [only 5 months until Ginny's arrival].  He is planning 2 sermons (this Sunday and February 2) in which he will talk about commitment and tithing in preparation for the congregational meeting on 2/2 where they will vote whether to "dig deeper."  At this point, he thinks that if everyone were tithing, it would not be a problem to have a $25-30,000 budget (which would include full time salary & benefits).  At this point less than 10% of the congregation is tithing.

My class at Lindsey Wilson is going fine; I am thoroughly enjoying it except for the late hour and the drive to and from.  At this point, I'd like to teach at the college level again but change the above things -- and get a raise of course.  If we get moved, maybe it will be near to a small/private college.

Our pole light was installed today on the drive way and the garage door opener has been in use for a week.  We are really enjoying the garage door opener -- they did put some more gravel by the garage ledge to that it would be level.  We just need to move things over to the side so as to be able to put a car it it.

I think I told you last week that Don's sister, Linda, had surgery on her jaw sockets last week in Gainesville that was successful; her jaws are wired shut for 6 weeks (?), which will greatly impair her eating.  When we called her, we were amazed that she could talk so well without opening her jaw.  She and Geneva will stay in Gainesville for a couple more weeks until she is released from the Dr's care.

We were surprised to talk to John and Julie last Sunday when we called; I'm sure that you enjoyed having them down.  I did call Budget about the car rental; according to the gal I talked to, there was not a $70 rate (at least not when we'll be there) but we did get a better rate than from the travel agent.  We have made plane reservations and will probably get the tickets next week.  [MV will have to enlighten us as to where they were going or we'll have to wait for further communication.]

Don has asked to be an Assistant Spiritual Director on the upcoming Lexington Chrysallis (2/15-17) and will do the talk that is equivalent to Prevenient Grace--all the talks at Chrysallis have upbeat names for teenagers.  The Spiritual Director is Ken Schenck, Don's best man (from Florida) who is ordained in the Wesleyan church but teaches Greek at ATS.  He will finish that position (2yr "tenure") this summer and is hoping to go on to Doctoral studies at one of the Ivy League schools.

Don's UMYF is coming over for a Super Bowl party on Sunday; we are all stocked up with hot dogs, chili, chips, etc.  He even rented a 26 inch TV to watch the game on (at the expense of the youth fund, of course).  He's expecting about 15 kids and 3-4 adults.  I have to be at my church, but the Super Bowl is not on my top 10 list any way.

Well, I better get started on my lecture for Monday - we are currently on the Baroque Opera and Oratorio (Handel's Messiah is an oratorio).  An oratorio is basically an opera that is unstaged with a sacred theme.  For more information, see your nearby encyclopedia.  [Or today's equivalent, Wikipedia.]

What is exact day you take off for Israel?  You're planning a trip to Kentucky when you return?  Don is sure enjoying getting in shape (upper body only) at the gym--meaning he can't do much of anything with his legs.  I may start going with him and walking on the treadmill, getting in shape for Grand Canyon '93!

Love, MV & Don

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