Thursday, March 11, 2021

1991 Letter to Serena -Mar.7



[Dear Serena,]

Thought you might be interested in seeing this clipping from the Wilmington News Journal last Monday night.  Quite a few people have commented they saw it; I'm not sure that the New Vienna Girl Scouts are active now although someone was around selling cookies the latter part of January so I hope so.

We met the Goodings last Sunday and went down to Murphin Ridge for dinner.  The weather turned very icy that afternoon and super slick that night.  There was no school on Monday.  I talked to Beverly this morning and she had worried about getting to work on Monday but said from Wilmington on the roads were clear.

The Goodings are talking about getting tickets for themselves and Lisa for a play to be given at the Murphy on Friday and Saturday, Apr. 5th and 6th.  It is written by Gary Kersey, a Wilmington teacher and a great Lincoln scholar.  He spoke at Gettysburg recently on some phase of Lincoln's life.

I do hope that you are planning to come home for Easter or the following weekend.  I am sure that the Crowsons won't be able to come that busy weekend.  We are planning to go see them this Saturday and Sunday.  We hadn't heard when you might be going but also want to see you soon too.  We haven't seen Mary Virginia and Don since the Saturday after Christmas.  Roberta is coming into Columbus on March 20 and John may meet us then so whatever you can work out about coming here or us going there would be fine.  Roberta will be here Palm Sunday.

Things are quiet in New Vienna (unusual?).  We do have flags up downtown and trees draped with orange ribbons.  They had a special service one night while we were gone and heard it was very nice -- Ed Johnson spoke.

I am gradually getting used to this typewriter but still have a few things to work out yet, like margins and what causes the skipping of spaces when I don't want to.

Dad went to the school today to speak to the third and fourth graders about his bike trip.  Josephine Harner talked to the first and second graders.  I would have like to attend to hear them both.  Dad said the fourth graders' geography was much better than the 3rd.  He even asked them the state capitols (back to his old tricks).

We saw the Richard Haines at the Hillsboro play, "The Belle of Amherst" which was an excellent one-woman cast.  They are looking for Debbie and her family down soon.

Grandma is holding her own, tho she sleeps a lot, but her appetite is excellent.  They told us at the nursing home that they have a wait list of 75 people.  The real advantage of having her there is that the doctor does make calls.

[Love, etc.]

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