Friday, March 19, 2021

1971 Catherine's Letter -Mar.16


Tuesday afternoon
March 16, 1971

Dear Mom, Dad, Serena, John, and Mary,

Hi!  Spring was here last weekend but now we're immersed in winter again.  Ugh!

I typed page number 1 of the final copy of my thesis last Wednesday and then after two lines on page 2 the typewriter died.  I was horror stricken, with 1 page done and at least 99 to go what would I do without a typewriter?  But the typewriter refused to do anything.  So I rushed it down to the repair shop and got it brought back to life for $36.00.  It works fine now.

Saturday we went to Ann Burt's wedding which was in a Catholic church here in town.  The caterer was about an hour late coming to the reception but other than that everything went beautifully.

I babysat for the people down the road Saturday night.  I really like the kids and got $10 for playing around with them so it was a well spent evening.

Glad to hear that Roberta got accepted at the Indian place.  Maybe we can stop and see her on the way to Alaska.  Speaking of the future I'm getting really up tight about hearing from Western as it has been almost two months now.

I only have about two more nights work to do at Ambassador.  My speed is up to about 450/hr but I tend to make more careless errors now than I did at a slower rate.

My diet seems to have reached a plateau at the halfway mark.  So I have reapplied and renewed my efforts to get the rest of my fat off.  I guess it takes lots of patience, perseverance, and dedication, not to mention time!

I better get back to typing my thesis before the typewriter does anything else weird!



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