Tuesday, March 23, 2021

1981 Roberta's Letter -Mar.26


Thursday Night
Dear Family,

I think I'll try to sneak in a letter to all of you this afternoon.  I am at work and the Spanish class just got started so it will be fairly quiet for the next hour.  About 16 people are taking Spanish.  That seems to be just a good size class.  We can't charge -- tho we do putout a donation can -- they have the opportunity to give.  The instructor gets 75% of the take and we get the other 25% to further expand the programs out here.  We're lucky if we take in $5.00 per class so no-one is getting rich too fast.

Mother it was good to talk to you the other morning.  I had wanted to call since I hadn't written for some time.  Just don't seem to get many letters written any more.  Now with the idea of the move ahead of us -- more to do.  There are still some boxes in the garage that we haven't unpacked from the last move.  We went through alot of that stuff last night and decided that there was alot we could live without.  The new house has less storage space than where we are now.

I could be writing a book about all the doings lately.  We decided we wanted to get the carport (its a large double one) enclosed.  The walls are already there -- just a matter of extending the one side, hanging the door, etc.  So I called up three places to get an estimate.  The first place came and their estimate was just over $1800.  The 2nd estimate was $1300.  And then the third was just over $2600.  I about fell over.  Well this last guy said in order to close in the garage you had to get a building permit.  And when you do that you have to bring it all up to current fire code.  Which meant adding more drywall to the entire roof over the garage.  A new door (to replace the hollow door) from the garage into the kitchen.  Where we are now -- its a hollow door going into the kitchen from the garage.

#3 estimate said how if we didn't get the permit and we got caught we would be much worse off in the end.  How we would have a fine to pay, and have to make the changed later . . . .  So I got busy on the phone.  Called up the other two places that gave us the estimate.  The 1st one being the development that built the house.  They told me that within the last year they had enclosed in about 20 to 25 garages and had not gotten a permit for any of them.  They said that when you change the structure of the house then you must get a permit.  Like they said that when you would get a porch enclosed, or add a room -- then of course you had to get a building permit and the whole thing.

We still haven't decided which way to go.  We either need to enclose in the garage or buy a large storage shed.  They aren't cheap -- or near as handy.  Then there is the idea as far as putting in a floor for one.  Concrete is very expensive -- tho it is the best -- tho too permanent.

Very few of the houses out there have fences of any kind -- we have talked about getting a small art of the yard fenced off for Buffy -- tho have decided that can wait.

We did go ahead and order the carpet.  There too we got three different estimates.  Each place figured a different amount of yardage needed.  The carpet is really a pretty color -- the kind of color that the dog hair will blend with.  We have already got the old carpet sold that was in the living room and dining area.  I can't think that anyone would want the stuff that's in the bedrooms.  It's that real long shag.  combination of blue/green/gray.  We have also sold the lawnmower already.  Tho we will be able to borrow it twice (or more) if needed to mow the back yard.

I've also got my bike for sale.  It's been a headache in that it doesn't always start for me.  We have decided that we can get by with just the car and the one bike.  I will just be a mile and half from work -- Uible walking distance.

I've been wondering if you all would like me to rent a car for the time you will be here.  The rates are pretty reasonable for a week.  For a compact $66 and unlimited miles.  Do let me know -- the compacts always go first -- then they stick you with these big gas eating cars for double the price.

Marion seems to really be enjoying her spring vacation.  Sally and Marion have been out there three days this week.  Think I told Mother about Marion going to show the deal on Mt. Saint Helen's.  That morning she couldn't find the soundtrack that goes with the slides -- so she had to do the talking herself.  It all worked out fine -- and the people here really enjoyed it.

Now at home -- will enclose some pictures of the new house -- just wish I had some of the cabin.  Please send them to Grandma after you are done looking at them.

Your letter came in today's mail -- THANKS!  Also Mary Virginia's letter -- what a pleasant surprise!  Sure understand why you all didn't have much time for writing letters last few weeks.

How do the menus sound to you all? [The reverse side of the paper has the week's menu and activities at the East Mesa Site of the Senior Center.]  We will have to eat at the Center one day while you all are here.

We are going to start Art classes 1st week of April for 10 weeks -- Monday afternoons.  Spanish class will last through April.


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