Thursday, March 18, 2021

1981 Roberta's Letter -Mar.13



Dear Family,

NOT sure where to start -- will have to wait till you get here to get filled in on all the details --

I've already checked & will get off about a week while you all are here.  It looks like a trip to OHIO is not in the stars.  I've written to Grandma about the idea of her coming again in October.

Sure never thought we would be moving so soon -- but maybe by moving so often it gives us a good reason for sorting out & discarding!!

You all will really like the cabin -- it's in a limited access area -- you have to have a key to get in through a gate.  You have to pay $50 a year Home owners Assn. Dues.  There are 60 cabins in 300 acres.  There is a creek not far from the cabin -- but right now the creek is dry.

The people who sold it to us have 2 other cabins in the same area.  i think they have lots of $$.  They say you can use the cabin year-round.  In the winter using the fire place & elec. heater.  Guess in the summer it gets cool at night up there.  (Take the hint & bring approp. clothing.)

The cabin has a double bed upstairs (sort of a loft) & a couch downstairs that makes into a bed.

I'll send you all a copy of the listing of the house we bought.  It's really a nice place -- tho of course does have its disadvantages -- no garage -- for one!  Also it's a little bit smaller & only one bathroom!!

The house is in great condition -- of course tho we are going to paint it yellow before we move in.  We have it in the contract that we can paint as soon as we get the loan ok'd.

The carpet has a case of the uglies -- combination blue/green shag.  I think I can live with it for awhile!!

We looked at so many places.  Toward the end I couldn't even keep them all straight.  For the same amount of $ the house we got cost -- there was no comparison what we found in town.

The area that we are moving to has alot of new shopping areas about a mile away.

There are no fences in this ara between homes -- some people have chain linked in a portion of their yard -- no doubt for their dear dogs.  It's mostly poodle country out there.

There are several swimming pools -- shuffleboard -- etc. -- Membership is $35 a year -- but you have your choice whether to join or not.  Now -- starting April 31st [sic] -- they want to encourage people to join -- so a new rule is that if you go to sell your house & you aren't a member -- the new owners will have to pay $500 initiation fee!

I need to close & get on the ball -- now Friday AM -- our Easter bazaar is today out at work.  Want to buy some knitted Easter eggs?  Having it early -- so people can buy & mail back to their grand children, etc. --

Will also enclose some other house listings -- that MLS book sure interesting!

Love, Roberta

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