Wednesday, March 24, 2021

1981 Catherine's Letter -Mar.30

 Monday, March 30, 1981

Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  Well, it took me a week to get a letter written, but here it is!  I have another week of "vacation" this week as Wendy has the chicken pox and of course I can't take her to the Day Care Center.  She can go back there six days after she quits breaking out so I am in hopes she will be able to go back next Monday.  She had one pox on Saturday and then yesterday quite a few with some more having shown up today.  She must have been exposed sometime while we were on vacation but we sure don't know where.  I hate to miss this much work especially without pay but not too much to be done about it.  Wendy seems to feel pretty good -- a little fussier than usual and I have to keep reminding her not too itch.

Gerry and I played Bingo at the Elks on Friday night and won $10 each so that wasn't too bad!  Saturday night we got a babysitter (the Day Care Center is only open to 9:00 p.m. on Saturday now as they didn't have very many children on Saturday nights -- other nights still open to midnight though) and went to a combination wedding reception -- barn dance for our friends Jack & Sally.  It was alot of fun but my feet were frozen by the end of the evening by standing on the cold cement all night.

Tonight I am going to play Bunco at the Elks.  Gerry and I were both going to go but now we can't really leave Wendy so he said he would stay home tonight since I will be home all day.  Wendy and I will probably have cabin fever before this week is over.  I figured if it was nice out we could probably go bike riding as long as we don't stop to talk to any children!  Saturday we had a really nice day with the temperature climbing to 69 and not much wind.  Today it is 46º with a wind of around 30 mph which leaves the wind chill factor at 20º.

Just heard on the radio that Reagan is in the hospital.  I missed the details though.  I gather that he has been wounded.  I'm sure the full details will be available.

I need to close now as we are going to the post office and then to pick Gerry up for lunch

Love, Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy

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