Friday, February 19, 2021

1985 GHU Letter -Feb.22


[postmarked 1985 mailed to Oaxaca, Mexico]
Fri. evening, Feb.22

Dear Harold & Jean,

Rec'd your card to-day.  Hardly realize that you have left for Mex. already.  Anyway this note will be on its way to-morrow but I wonder if it ever catches up with you.  After all I believe I have been told it takes 3 weeks but that sounds like a long time.  By the News J. you left a lot of snow at home.  I mailed a letter Thurs. I believe to N.V. which you can read when you get home.  

Just a note about taxes.  Just forget taxes for the present.

While it is warmer here in L.W. but not warm enough yet to open up the house & leave open.  A sweater still comes in handy.  

Mary picked up a gadget at the Hospital Supply place that you or Roberta or Mary had ordered while here.  It works nicely for someone helping me but I could never work it a lone.  But that is alright.  It sure would have helped Mary V. on our trip last summer.  It is quite simple to use.  Why they never suggested the simple rod when I was trying to get a way to get through doors I wonder.

Two weeks ago at Sun. School Mrs. Morgan (Marko[?]) fell going out the door, breaking her hip.  So she has been in the hospital & now in a nursing home.  Just that morning she came to my side & said she was so glad to see & talk to Harold & enjoyed meeting his wife & she seemed to be a lovely person (which is no mistake.)  I told her.  Said she told Lorraine about seeing you both & Lorraine wondered if you had time to come to her home & I told her not this time for you had left.  We are invited to the Hortons at the Park for a covered dish meal Sun. at 1'oclock for several families are there from East Springfield.  I guess Frances & Lana are having this for them.  They know Bill but Mary said they are strangers to her, & of course I don't know them.  We are taking 2 pies from the pie house.  

Now enjoy Mexico.

With Love

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