Friday, February 12, 2021

1971 Roberta's Letter -Feb.13


February 13, 1971

Dear Family,

Hi!  Happy homecoming day!!  And happy day before Valentine's day!!  In about ten minutes open house should begin and as of about two minutes ago we are all ready.  I just got back from lunch and this school has really been invaded, there are so many people here.  I can not understand what the big deal is.  Open house was suppose to be this morning but it was changed until this afternoon from one thirty to three thirty or something like that.

Thanks alot for the valentine cards today and also for the letter and also for the you-know-what.  (Money)  Pam and I just went crazy with all that money.  We went and did three loads of clothes this morning.  Actually, it hasn't been too long but I decided I would wash my raincoat and alot of other big things.  Cindy got in the mail today her telegram from Western Union, it was a big one too.  She also had a letter from her mom with a copy of the letter we sent them.  She said she thought Cindy would like to see it.  She knows by now that we had already seen it.

I am going to fill out my income tax thing tonight.  We have the record "Jesus Christ Super-Star" on, we get alot of good out of it.

That is quite an interesting article you all sent about the water-heated mattresses.  I haven't read it all yet but will as soon as I get my letters written.  I want to get these out today or they won't go out until Tuesday.

Cindy and I have got a way to go Spring Vacation.  We will be riding down with a boy that lives about 30 miles from Cindy's house.  Cindy's work paid off!!  It should be an exciting trip because the boy that is taking us down has a MODEL A.  I am not kidding you!!!

Open house has now begun!!  This should prove interesting.  We are still having very good weather here.  Hope it has warmed up some in Ohio.  Too bad about you all having to cancel the Mother-Daughter Banquet.  When will it be now?  Well this is short but I still have to answer two more letters also send one to Aunt Mary, that is from yesterday.  I am really falling behind in my work . . . .  What do you hear about Grandma?  What date are you planning for leaving for Africa??


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