Saturday, April 22, 2017

1987 Catherine's Letter -Mar.18

[Mailed to Ouro Preto, Brazil c/o of Elderhostel]
Wed. March 18, 1987
Dear Mother & Dad,

Hi!  I have a job!  I just had an hour discussion with Kamala Stillwell the [Maricopa County] Library Director about the system and the position which is tentatively called Children's/Youth Librarian.  The county has 6 branch libraries (including Cave Creek) and 14 affiliate libraries (these being located in incorporated areas). I'm sure I'll know more about these details soon.  I start on Monday, March 23.

Thurs. 3-19
Good to talk to you last night.  I am now at a County Health Dept. for a chest x-ray.  Roberta & Sid dropped me off at the County Building earlier this morning where I filled out a bunch of paperwork & then walked here (1825 E. Roosevelt) since the next place I have to be is as the Occupational Medical Center (800 N. 1st) at 2:30 for a physical.  At least I'm getting a health check in the process of getting employed.  After that I plan to take the bus home.  Next Friday I have to return to the Personnel Office for a group meeting about the insurance.  Roberta & Sid were on their way to a luncheon meeting (NAARF?) in Mesa.

Wendy seems to be enjoying the Arizona life.  She loves being able to ride her bike to school.
(3-20-87) That certainly motivates her to get ready to go in the a.m.  A couple of mornings we've had to make her wait before leaving.  School starts at 8:05 but they can get in at 7:45.  K-3rd grade get out at 2:10 which Wendy says makes the day seem very short since she's used to going until 3:15.  4-6th graders go until 3:10 so next year sh'll be back to a longer day.

I passed all my medical tests yesterday and also visited the Phoenix Public Library while I was downtown.  Introduced myself to one of their children's librarians and got an extended tour of their children's department.  Also pumped her for info about county/statewide library service to children.

Tonight Roberta, Wendy, Jade (Beverly the cook's 8-yr-old daughter) and I are going to the county fair.  Gerry and I are playing golf later this a.m. since this is my last "vacation" day.

Thursday 3/26
Hello, again!  Your letter from Florida arrived yesterday so thought I'd finish this off and Roberta has offered to mail it tomorrow as there doesn't seem to be any post office within walking distance of the library.

My first four days on the job have gone fairly well.  It seems strange to be working in a library that is so heavily administrative and has such limited public usage.  I think my visits to the branches for programs will make me feel more publicly oriented though.  The library receives children's books from publishers to "preview" – they are available to area librarians (and myself) for 6-9 months and then they become property of the library.  It's neat to see so many new books.

I talked to a lady who is a liaison between the State Dept. of Education and the school libraries and we are hoping to get a group of children's librarians to meet monthly to review the new books -- sort of like what you have gone to in Dayton.  Can you send me any details on that when you get home?  You can let me know who the contact person is perhaps?

Gerry has an interview tomorrow for a parts manager job with an RV dealer that is located near Dunlap & Black Canyon.  And on Monday he has an appointment with Auto Shack which sounds like a possibility also.  I'm sure something will come through for him before too long.

Wendy has signed up to take a "Pom & Cheer" class after school on Tues. & Thurs. from April 21 to the end of May.  She seems to be interested in cheerleading lately.  She has also been enjoying her Pioneer girls (meets Wed. nights) at Bethany Bible.  Roberta got her an odometer/speedometer for her bicycle today which Sid installed for her so now Wendy can keep track of the miles she puts on her bicycle.  She is still thrilled about riding her bike to school and has really improved at getting herself moving in the mornings.

I have enjoyed riding the bus to/from work so far.  I'm able to get alot of reading done in the 35-45 minutes that it takes.

Hope your Elderhostel is going well.  We'll be looking forward to postcards (Wendy got one from Florida today) and further info!
Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

[from Roberta]
Hi – got caught in snow last weekend on bike ride.  I quit after 65 miles & was afraid I'd have frozen toes – but no damage done!  Quite an experience & hilly!  3,000 foot elevation change!

This weekend should be in 80's for 100 mile bike ride.  Anxious to hear more about your trip!

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