Sunday, February 14, 2016

1976 Roberta's Letter to G'ma & Hortons -Feb.11

February 11, 1976

Dear Grandma, Uncle Bill, Aunt Mary & Rob,

Since I'm leaving Ceylon early tomorrow morning I've got to make myself write these!  This last week I've really enjoyed the luxury life during the day.  Right now I'm at the Holiday Inn – after staying in YMCA's & YWCA's this is definitely a different style of living.  It is something just the change in people at the places – here you meet the foreigners – there w/ money from the U.S., Europe, etc.  Have met alot of men from – or who are working in Saudi Arabia – they come here to enjoy & spend all their money!

Tomorrow morning I'm flying to Madras – I figure from the money I save by staying at the YMCA this week instead of here at the Holiday Inn I can afford to make the trip!  Mike & Mary are also flying tomorrow to Madras where we will both be for a couple of days – then I'll be heading to Bombay and then North and they will be going to Calcutta – then to Burma.  They have really been nice to travel with – both have plenty of get up and go.  The only bad part of it is  – is that they like food like they have at home In Iowa – and me I want to try all the different foods here!

Did I tell you that I've learned (am learning) to play cards – alot of times we sit around the pool and play.  I like pinochle the best – We are getting pretty tan – but it came fast – so I hope it doesn't peel off just as fast!  The 1st day my nose got really RED!  That is the 1st time that has ever happened.

The fruits here are just delicious – there are 5 different types of bananas – the cheapest ones – which are small are 6 for about 3 or 4 ¢.  The best which are also small are about 4¢ each.  The oranges here are not good.  And I haven't seen a grapefruit since I left home – but oh the pineapple & papaya are delicious.

My best to each of you – I'm hoping for some mail in Bombay –––

Love, Berta

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