A.W. Brown, R.M. Brown, J.Scott Brown
Three Generations of Publishers Passed Away
clipping from Hancock County Independent, (New Cumberland) West Virginia.
February 9, 1956
A.W. Brown, founder of the Independent was born in Wellsburg, W. Va. in 1854. Came to New Cumberland in 1876 and he in company with S.M. Morrow, founded the newspaper. On October 25, 1876 he married Mary V. Morrow of Fairview (Pughtown) Hancock County. They had two children, Robert Morrow Brown and Lucie S. Brown.
During the famous
Van Baker trial, the Independent published a daily issue.
Mr. A.W. Brown died in May 1906.
R.M. Brown
Mr. Brown was the dean of Hancock attorneys and member of one of the county's oldest and most outstanding families, was born in New Cumberland, November 21, 1877, son of the late A.W. Brown and Mary Morrow Brown. He was educated in the public and high schools of this place and attended Wooster, Ohio College one year, graduating from West Virginia University Law School with the class of 1903 with A.M. and L.L.B. degrees. He was admitted to the bar the same year.
In 1910 the popular attorney became united in marriage with Leora Scott of Somerset, Pa., who preceded him in death July 23, 1944.
[He died Oct. 4, 1946]
Begins Newspaper Career in 1906
The outstanding public figure began his newspaper career in 1906 as a reporter on the
East Liverpool Crisis during his summer vacations, and after the death of his father, founder of the paper in 1877, and for forty years served as its editor and publisher. But his dynamic personality and burning ambitions carried him into other fields of prominence. For four years he served as prosecuting attorney of Hancock county, and for six years clerk of the circuit court. Two terms saw him seated in the House of Delegates, and for many years he acted as chairman of the Republican County Committee, also as the New Cumberland postmaster for four years. At the time of his death he was secretary of the Hancock County Bar Association, city solicitor for the town of New Cumberland, legal advisor for the Hancock county draft board, divorce commissioner, having served as acting commissioner for the past three years, a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and the Booster's club.
He was a Presbyterian, member of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, IOOF, K of P and Junior Order, Lions club, and Boosters club.
Surviving are his son, J. Scott Brown, one grand-child, Robert Wilson Brown, one sister, Mrs. M.W. Ballantyne and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Margaret Wilson Brown, all of New Cumberland.
J. Scott Brown
J. Scott Brown, third in succession to publish the Independent, was born on September 19, 1911 in New Cumberland. He was educated in the public schools, also attended Culver Military Academy. While in High School he was active in sports and played football for several years. Later he attended West Virginia University and was a member of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. After finishing school he was married to Margaret Virginia Wilson of Wellsburg. They had one son, Robert Wilson.
In 1936, Mr. Brown entered the insurance and real estate business.
He was always active in the civic and social organizations of his community, trying to help in any way he could to better his home town.
He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, Masonic Lodge, Boosters club and served for many years on the Hancock County Republican Executive Committee and one term as member of the House of Delegates.
On January 24, 1956, death claimed the third member in succession of the Brown family to publish the Independent.
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